jmxbf - A brute force program to test weak accounts configured to access a JMX Registry
Released as open source by NCC Group Plc -
Developed by Daniele Costa, daniele [dot] costa [at] nccgroup [dot] trust
Released under AGPL see LICENSE for more information
java -jar jmxbf.jar
-h,--host <arg> The JMX server IP address.
-p,--port <arg> The JMX server listening port.
-pf,--passwords-file <arg> File including the passwords, one per line.
-uf,--usernames-file <arg> File including the usernames, one per line.
$>java –jar jmxbf.jar –h –p 1099 –uf usernames.txt –pf passwords.txt
Some samp;e output below:
$>java –jar jmxbf.jar –h –p 1099 –uf usernames.txt –pf passwords.txt
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
. . .
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
###SUCCESS### - We got a valid connection for: control:supersecretpwd
Found some valid credentials - continuing brute force
###SUCCESS### - We got a valid connection for: monitor:monitor
Found some valid credentials - continuing brute force
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
. . .
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
Auth failed!!!
The following valid credentials were found: