A small command-line TCP proxy utility written in Python
Tim Newsham 29 Oct 2012
This is a small command-line TCP proxy utility written in python. It is designed to have very minimal requirements - it runs directly from python (tested in python 2.7) from a single source file (unless the auto-certificate option is used). When running, the proxy accepts incoming TCP connections and copies data to a TCP connection to another machine. Options allow for SSL and IPv6 connections and for the logging of all data. Data is logged in a format that preserves connection, timing and direction information and a small utility is provided to dump out the information in various formats. A small utility is also provided for generating CA and SSL certificates. This utility is the only component that relies on an external python library, but it can be run on a different machine if necessary.
A normal TCP proxy is straightforward:
- $ ./prox.py -L 8888 www.google.com 80
- connect in another window using curl or connect to localhost port 80 using some other program
- $ curl
For SSL, first create and install a CA cert
- $ ./ca.py -c
- $ ./pkcs12.sh ca # if you need a pkcs12 certificate
- take ca.pem or ca.pfx and install it as a root certificate in your testing browser
Run the proxy using an auto-generated certificate:
- modify /etc/hosts to redirect www.test.com to
- $ ./prox.py -L 8888 -A www.test.com www.google.com 80
- connect using curl or open the URL in your browser
- $ curl --cacert ca.pem https://www.test.com:8888/
Or manually generate a certificate (possibly on another machine) and then run the proxy using that certificate:
- $ ./ca.py www.test.com
- $ ./prox.py -L 8888 www.google.com 80
- $ curl --cacert ca.pem https://www.test.com:8888/
To view data logged to a file by prox.py, use proxcat:
- $ ./proxcat.py -x log.txt
TcpProx requires a python interpreter and the M2Crypto package from http://www.heikkitoivonen.net/m2crypto/. The prox.py program can be run with only the prox.py file and without the M2Crypto package installed if the -A option is not used.