The other posts in this Series can be found below.
Day 35 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 1
Day 38 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 2
Day 39 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 3
Day 40 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 4
Day 41 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 5
Day 49 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 6
Day 50 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 7
Day 51 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 8
Day 58 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 9
Day 60 - Practical Guide for YAML Build Pipelines in Azure DevOps - Part 10
Today, we are going to continue where we left off in Part 9 we are going to update our Dockerfile configuration and add in an NGINX Configuration File so NGINX is accessible on port 80 from its FQDN.
NOTE: Replace all instances of pracazconreg in this article with the name you provided for the Azure Container Registry in Part 2!
In this article:
Update the Dockerfile
Create the NGINX Configuration File
Update the Script
Check on the Build Pipeline Job
The current state of the Dockerfile does have NGINX installed; however, it is not configured nor set to run.
In VS Code, open up the Dockerfile under apps/nginx and replace its current contents with the code shown below. Afterwards save and commit it to the repository.
# Pulling NGINX Image from Docker Hub
FROM nginx:latest
# Updating packages list and installing the prerequisite packages
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
net-tools \
vim \
jq \
wget \
RUN mkdir -p /etc/nginx
ADD apps/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
ENTRYPOINT [ "nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
You'll notice that we have a new ENTRYPOINT that starts up NGINX and an nginx.conf file added to the container. Next, we'll create the nginx.conf file.
In VS Code, create a new file called nginx.conf under apps/nginx. Copy and paste the contents below into the file and then save and commit it to the repository.
# NGINX Configuration File located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
user nginx;
worker_processes 1;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
pid /var/run/;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
#gzip on;
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
In VS Code, open up the script in apps/nginx. Copy and paste the contents below into the file and then save and commit it to the repository.
# Making sure that the Admin User to login to the Container Registry is enabled.
ENABLE_ADMIN_USER=$(az acr update \
-n pracazconreg \
--admin-enabled true \
--query adminUserEnabled \
--output tsv)
if [ "$ENABLE_ADMIN_USER" == "true" ]; then
echo "[---success---] Enabled the Admin User for ACR [pracazconreg]. Status: $ENABLE_ADMIN_USER."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to enable the Admin User for Azure Container Registry [pracazconreg]. Status: $ENABLE_ADMIN_USER."
exit 2
# Retrieving the Azure Container Registry Username.
ACR_USERNAME=$(/usr/bin/az acr credential show \
--name pracazconreg \
--query username --output tsv)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Retrieved the Username for Azure Container Registry [pracazconreg]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to retrieve the Username for Azure Container Registry [pracazconreg]."
echo "[---fail------] $ACR_USERNAME"
exit 2
# Retrieving the Azure Container Registry Password.
ACR_PASSWORD=$(/usr/bin/az acr credential show \
--name pracazconreg \
--query passwords[0].value --output tsv)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Retrieved the Password for Azure Container Registry [pracazconreg]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to retrieve the Password for Azure Container Registry [pracazconreg]."
echo "[---fail------] $ACR_PASSWORD"
exit 2
# Removing the Previous NGINX Azure Container Instance if found.
DELETE_NGINX_ACI=$(az container delete \
--resource-group "practical-yaml" \
--name "nginx-iac-001" \
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Deleted the NGINX Azure Container Instance [nginx-iac-001]."
echo "[---info------] Waiting 15 seconds before continuing."
sleep 15
echo "[---fail------] Failed to delete the NGINX Azure Container Instance [nginx-iac-001]."
echo "[---fail------] $DELETE_NGINX_ACI"
exit 2
# Deploying NGINX to an Azure Container Instance.
echo "[---info---] Deploying NGINX Azure Container Instance [nginx-iac-001] in Resource Group [practical-yaml]."
DEPLOY_NGINX_ACI=$(az container create \
--resource-group "practical-yaml" \
--name "nginx-iac-001" \
--registry-username "$ACR_USERNAME" \
--registry-password "$ACR_PASSWORD" \
--image "" \
--ip-address public \
--dns-name-label "nginx-iac-001" \
--ports 80 443 \
--protocol TCP \
--cpu 1 \
--memory 1)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Deployed Azure Container Instance [nginx-iac-001] in Resource Group [practical-yaml]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to deploy Azure Container Instance [nginx-iac-001] in Resource Group [practical-yaml]."
echo "[---fail------] $DEPLOY_NGINX_ACI"
exit 2
You'll notice that the following section has been added.
# Removing the Previous NGINX Azure Container Instance if found.
DELETE_NGINX_ACI=$(az container delete \
--resource-group "practical-yaml" \
--name "nginx-iac-001" \
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Deleted the NGINX Azure Container Instance [nginx-iac-001]."
echo "[---info------] Waiting 15 seconds before continuing."
sleep 15
echo "[---fail------] Failed to delete the NGINX Azure Container Instance [nginx-iac-001]."
echo "[---fail------] $DELETE_NGINX_ACI"
exit 2
This is to ensure that the latest image available in the Azure Container Registry is pulled after any updates are made in our build pipeline.
You do have a few options available to use natively in order to update your Azure Container Instance without deleting the entire container group; however, there are some limitations with it that you can read about here.
Review the logs of the most current job in the practical-yaml-build-pipe Build Pipeline and you should see the following output from the Deploy NGINX Azure Container Instance Azure CLI Task.
Lastly, you should now be able to visit the FQDN of your Azure Container Instance.
In today's article in we continued where we left off in Part 9 and updated our Dockerfile configuration and add in an NGINX Configuration File so that NGINX was available on port 80 from its FQDN. If there's a specific scenario that you wish to be covered in future articles, please create a New Issue in the starkfell/100DaysOfIaC GitHub repository.