/* yarn can be replaced with npm */
yarn global add foreman # for process management with electron
yarn install
yarn start
/* for React only: */
yarn react-start
/* for Electron only: */
yarn electron-start
A really simple starter kit using create-react-app and a bunch of amazing technology that can be used to create apps really quickly!
I tried to include minimal boilerplate so that you can get up and running without being overwhelmed. (Too many boilerplates try to do to much I feel). I for the most part only included code that is necessary for the set up of the app.
This app has routing set up, redux for statemanagement, reduxdevtools for solid debugging, a connection to firebase, electron builder for desktop apps, and materialUI v1 ready to start importing in components.
- React Routerv4
- Material UI v1
- Redux
- Redux-devtools-extension
- Firebase
- Electron