- Clone and Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
- Add JavaFX SDK to the project (File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> Add -> Java -> Select the lib folder of JavaFX SDK)
- Edit Configuration
- New Configuration -> Application
- Main class:
- Modify options -> Add VM options:
--module-path <path-to-lib-folder-of-javafx-sdk> --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
(TODO: Change the path to your JavaFX SDK lib folder)
- Run the project
- For the first time, you need to add the path to Scene Builder: File -> Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaFX -> Scene Builder executable path (TODO: Change the path to your SceneBuilder.exe file)
- Choosing the .fxml file that you want to edit in the project
- Open context menu and select
Open in Scene Builder