Let's practice CKAD questions.
- Exam Fee: $395 → Let’s catch a discount!
- Exam Duration: 2 hours
- Certification Validity: 2 years
- Total Questions: 16-20, Maximum Score: 100, Passing Score: 66 or above
- Access to resources like kubernetes.io/docs is allowed
- See Curriculum 1.29
- Deploy a nginx image as a Deployment in the namespace hello.
- Set the number of replicas to 3,
- and mount an empty directory at the path /etc/volume.
- The name of the Deployment should be
k create deploy nginx-deploy -n hello - image=nginx --replica=3 --dry-run=client -o yaml > deploy.yaml
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: Deployment
3 metadata:
4 creationTimestamp: null
5 labels:
6 app: nginx-deploy
7 name: nginx-deploy
8 namespace: hello
9 spec:
10 replicas: 3
11 selector:
12 matchLabels:
13 app: nginx-deploy
14 strategy: {}
15 template:
16 metadata:
17 creationTimestamp: null
18 labels:
19 app: nginx-deploy
20 spec:
21 containers:
22 - image: nginx
23 name: nginx
24 resources: {}
25 volumeMounts: ## add this part
26 - name: volume
27 mountPath: /etc/volume
28 volumes: ## add this part
29 - name: volume
30 emptyDir: {}
31 status: {}
k create -f deploy.yaml
- kubernetes.io/docs
Hands-on Practice!
- Udemy → CKAD, KodeKloud environment
- Various GitHub resources → MicroK8s
- killers.sh
- Resolve as much as possible using kubectl.
- For tasks requiring a search, organize resources to quickly find what’s needed.
- You can’t create PVs or PVCs with kubectl alone - quickly search on kubernetes.io/docs and grab the YAML.
- When creating a deployment with kubectl, you can’t set env variables, volumes, etc.
- Memorize what’s necessary - quickly find the rest in the documentation.
- Don’t memorize the exact keys for setting secrets/env as env or mount in YAML - they vary slightly different.
echo "set ai" >> .vimrc
echo "set nu" >> .vimrc
echo "tabstop=2 shitwidth=2 expandtab" >> .vimrc
do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"
ka="kubectl apply -f"
Run this script in every question (ssh enter)
Items to Prepare - A good camera - Passport - An organized workspace
- kubectl scale
- k scale deployment metaservice --replicas=3
- kubectl set image
- k set image deploy/metaservice metaservice=abis.ahnlab.com/..../metaservice/1.0.x.x
- kubectl number expression
- k get nodes akw{0..9}
- kubectl get ep
- kubectl explain
- k explain pod.spec
- kubectl wait
- k wait --for=condition=Ready pod/busybox1
- helm update -i
- helm install/update --set