This example includes a fully-functioning Symfony application with RabbitMQ installed on a Vagrant VM (configured using
You do not have to use Vagrant, but it could save you a lot of time. If you choose not to use the provided Vagrant config, you will have to install and configure RabbitMQ and your webserver yourself :)
To get running, go to You'll also need to head to and download an appropriate version for your development machine. Once installed, navigate to the 'example' directory and run:
vagrant up
This will automatically set up a running version of the example application, pull composer dependencies and configure the Nginx web server for you. Go and make a cup of tea, it could take a few minutes to do everything.
You'll need to add a line to your system's hosts file: dev.symfony-rabbit
Once done, you should be able to go to http://dev.symfony-rabbit in your browser to see the application.
The RabbitMQ admin panel has also been installed and will be available at http://dev.symfony-rabbit:15672.
- The username is 'symfony'
- The password is 'rabbit'
From within the example directory you will be able to open an ssh connection to the VM by running
vagrant ssh
The Symfony application files will be visible in the VM at /var/www/
- If using Vagrant, open an ssh connection to the Vagrant machine (see above) and navigate to /var/www/
- Run
php app/console rabbitmq:consume make_api_call
- Go to http://dev.symfony-rabbit in your browser and click 'consume now' or 'delay queue'. Keep an eye on the terminal window with the consumer running.