Xiphos is a Bible study application for Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems. It uses Sword to display Bibles, commentaries, dictionary, and other texts and images. Xiphos includes features such as, searching, biblesync, bookmarks, parallel study, and original language study.
To install Xiphos, search in your package manager for xiphos and install the package. If you are using Windows, please download the exe from here:
Please see the INSTALL file.
Xiphos started life as the Sword Project's Cheatah program.
Over the course of Xiphos development many ideas and some pieces of code have come from the Bibletime program and the Sword Project's BibleCS program.
We wish to thank the folks who have put so much time and work into the Sword Project and then giving it to the world! God Bless you!
If you want to help develop Xiphos your help will be very appreciated!
The first steps would be to make yourself familiar with the Xiphos build process, so go read the INSTALL file.
If you are looking for things to do, the best place to find out is to jump into the #xiphos channel of irc.freenode.net
If you make changes to C or C++ files, please make sure they are cleaned up to follow our style of coding. The best way to make sure of it is to run this:
$ clang-format -i -style=file /path/to/edited.c
Where /path/to/edited.c, the C or C++ file you edited. The option '-style=file' uses a predefined style file called .clang-format in the source tree.
We hope that your Bible study will be enhanced by Xiphos!
The Xiphos Development Team