A ride-booking application using React, TypeScript, and Neshan Maps API to search locations, get directions, and assign drivers.
- Search for origin and destination locations.
- Get directions between locations using Neshan Maps.
- View a loading screen and assigned driver information.
- State management for locations using React Context.
- React with TypeScript
- MUI for UI components
- Neshan Maps API for map and direction functionalities
- React Router for navigation
- React Context for location state management
- Vite for development and build
- src/: Main source folder
- assets/: Static data such as drivers
- components/: Reusable components (Map, DriverCard, etc.)
- context/: Location context for managing origin and destination
- pages/: The app's main pages (SearchLocPage, DirectionPage, etc.)
- App.tsx: Main application file
- main.tsx: Application entry point
- theme.ts: MUI theme customization
- It is recommended to run this application on Microsoft Edge for better handling of user location access.