My Genero Demos updated for Genero 3.10 and legacy code removed.
The default user and log for the demo is: [email protected] / 12test
The Demos:
- ipodTree - Tree demo
- picFlow - picFlow GDC
- wc_aircraft - Web Component - Interactive Images - Aricraft catering
- wc_amCharting - Web Component - Charting
- wc_googleMaps - Web Component - Google Maps
- wc_kite - Web Component - Interactive Image - SVG Kite
- widgets - Genero Widgets and UI features
The Application Framework:
- Login
- User Creation
- Menu System
- Basic table maintainance
- Order Entry
- Invoice printing
- Web Ordering
When deployed as via the gas the application urls will be:
The xcf files are:
- njmdemo - Main demo with login using default GBC
- njmdemo_c - Main demo with login using a custom GBC
- njmdemo_t - Main demo with login using a custom teal GBC
- njmweb - Web Ordering demo using default GBC - dynamic form
- njmweb_c - Web Ordering demo using custom GBC - dynamic form
- njmweb_t - Web Ordering demo using custom teal GBC - dynamic form + csslayout
- njmweb2 - Web Ordering demo using default GBC - 'pagedScrollGrid'
- njmweb2_c - Web Ordering demo using custom GBC - 'pagedScrollGrid'
- njmdemodb - Create the demo database
- Informix
- PostgreSQL
- Maria DB
- SQL Server
For PostgreSQL
sudo -u postgres createuser <appuser>
sudo -u postgres createdb njm_demo310
sudo -u postgres psql
psql (9.6.7)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# grant all privileges on database njm_demo310 to <appuser>;
postgres=# \q
For MariaDB added a user of 'dbuser' to connect to the database.
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'dbuser'@'%';
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'dbuser'@'%';