Implementation of Battle City / Tank 1990. Game was written in C++11 and SDL2 2D graphic library.
- Player 1: arrows and right CTRL to fire
- Player 2: WSAD and left CTRL to fire
- Pause: ENTER
- Jump to next stage: n
- Jump to previous stage: b
- Show targets of enemies: t
Each enemy may fire only one bullet in the same time. If bullet hits target, brick or stage border and explodes then enemy may fire next one. Enemies may have one of four different armour levels. Each level have a different colour. After bullet hit armour level decrease. If the armour level falls to zero, then enemy is destroyed.
If enemy blinks, each hit create new bonus item on a map.
- target: closest player or eagle;
- speed: normal:
- behaviour: 80% to move towards the target, 20% to move in random direction,
- constantly fires in movement direction
- target: eagle;
- speed: 1.3 * normal;
- behaviour: 50% to move towards the target, 50% to move in random direction,
- constantly fires in movement direction
- target: eagle;
- speed: normal;
- behaviour: 50% to move towards the target, 50% to move in random direction,
- constantly fires in movement direction
- target: closest player or eagle;
- speed: normal;
- behaviour: 50% to move towards the target, 50% to move in random direction,
- fires if target is in front of
Grenade: all enemies are destroyed
Helmet: active player shield for 10 seconds
Clock: freeze all enemies for 8 seconds
Shovel: create stone wall around eagle for 15 seconds
Tank: increase player lives count
Star: increase player speed, each next one increase max bullets count
Gun: same as three starts
Boat: allows to move on the water
Levels are plain text files in that are located in levels directory. Each level is a two dimensional array with 26 rows and 26 columns. Each field in the array should be one of following elements:
- . Empty field
- #
Brick wall: it can be destroyed with two bullets or one if you collect three Stars or Gun
- @
Stone wall: it can be destroyed only if you collect three Stars or Gun bonus
- %
Bush: it can be erased only if you collect three Stars or Gun bonus
- ~
Water: it is natural obstacle unless you collect Boat bonus
- -
Ice: tanks are slipping on it
- make
- libsdl2-dev
- libsdl2-ttf-dev
- libsdl2-image-dev
- doxygen-gui - for docs generation (optional)
- doxygen - for docs generation (optional)
On Debian based systems you can run (apt can by replaced with apt-get or aptitude):
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-image-dev
- make
- sdl2
- sdl2_ttf
- sdl2_image
brew install sdl2 sdl_ttf sdl2_image
In the project directory run:
make clean all
As a result build directory should be created. In build/bin there will be Tanks binary file with all necessary resources files.
The Tanks has to be run from bin directory otherwise you got black screen. Have fun.
cd build/bin && ./Tanks
In the project directory run:
make doc
- MinGW
- mingw32-base-bin
- mingw32-gcc-g++-bin
- MINGW_HOME environment variable pointing to MinGW directory (eg. C:\MinGW)
- MinGW bin directory added to Path environment variable (eg. C:\MinGW\bin)
- GitBash or any similar package providing cp and rm commands
In the project directory run GitBash and run:
mingw32-make.exe clean all
As a result build directory should be created. In build/bin there will be Tanks.exe binary file with all necessary resources files. Have fun.
cd build/bin && ./Tanks.exe