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Vimrc #chusiang

Author: 凍仁翔 (chusiang)
Build Date:2012/10/31
forked from:@Aminzai/vimrc
plugins count:64

1. Introduction

This verison use NeoBundle that can get the newest vim script use eazy way.

2. Require

  1. Git
  2. Internet
  3. make (Unix Link Only)
  4. Vim
  5. Curl

3. Installation

Linux & Mac OSX

  • Get my vimrc settings with Git.
git clone
  • Install.
cd vimrc && make


WindowsInstall.bat    # No maintained.

4. HowTo

4.1. Update

  1. run command at Vim (command mode).

4.2. Backup

This version can auto backup orginal config before install.

Backup directory: ${HOME}/.vim_back-${data} [1]

make backup

4.2.1. Clean backup

make clean-backup-file
[1]Just support Unix-like operating-system.

5. Bundled Plugins

5.1. Plugins Management

  1. [X] neobundle.vim - It`s a Vim plugin manager based on Vundle.
  2. [X] vimproc.vim - setup eobundle.vim with make -f Makefile.

5.2. File Management

  1. [X] ctrlp.vim - Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ...... finder for Vim.
  2. [X] mru.vim - provides an easy access to a list of recently opened/edited files.
  3. [X] nerdtree - explore your filesystem and to open files and directories.
  4. [X] nerdtree-git-plugin - A plugin of NERDTree showing git status.

5.3. Development

  1. [X] EditorConfig Vim Plugin - EditorConfig plugin for Vim.
  2. [X] EnhCommentify.vim - comment lines in a program.
  3. [ ] SrcExpl - SrcExpl (Source Explorer) is a source code explorer (need Trinity).
  4. [ ] Vim Auto Complete Popup - Automatic trigger complete popup menu (need L9).
  5. [X] YouCompleteMe - A code-completion engine for Vim. (need ultisnips)
  6. [X] ag.vim - run ag in vim.
  7. [X] dash.vim - Search from Vim (Mac only).
  8. [ ] emmet-vim - emmet for vim.
  9. [X] indentLine - Display the indention levels with thin vertical lines.
  10. [X] livedown.vim - Vim plugin for livedown_ (Live Markdown previews for your favorite editor).
  11. [X] - allows you to configure % to match more than just single characters.
  12. [X] surround.vim - Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease.
  13. [X] syntastic - Syntax checking plugins of C, C++, CSS, Go, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, reStructuredText, Ruby, SASS, VimL, zsh ... more.
  14. [X] tagbar - Display tags of the current file ordered by scope.
  15. [X] taglist.vim - Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc).
  16. [X] vim-ragtag - A set of mappings for HTML, XML, PHP, ASP, eRuby, JSP, and more.
  17. [ ] vim-snipmate - auto-completion with menu. (need vim-addon-mw-utils, tlib_vim, vim-snippets)
  18. [ ] zeavim.vim - Zeavim allows to use the offline documentation browser Zeal from Vim.

5.3.3. F2E (Front End Engineer)

  1. [X] html5.vim - HTML5 + inline SVG omnicomplete funtion, indent and syntax for Vim.

5.3.1. Git

  1. [X] fugitive.vim - a Git wrapper so awesome.
  2. [ ] gitv - gitv is a 'gitk clone' plugin for the text editor Vim. (need fugitive.vim)
  3. [X] vim-gitgutter - which shows a git diff in the 'gutter' (sign column). It shows whether each line has been added, modified, and where lines have been removed.

5.3.2. PHP

  1. [X] php.vim - Indent for php.
  2. [X] phpfolding.vim - fold PHP functions and/or classes.

5.3.4. Python

  1. [X] pythoncomplete - Python Omni Completion.

5.4. Syntax

  1. [X] BBCode--Dahn - Syntax highlighting for BBCode.
  2. [X] Dockerfile.vim - Vim syntax file & snippets for Docker's Dockerfile.
  3. [X] Vim-Jinja2-Syntax - The Jinja2 syntax file for vim with the ability to detect either HTML or Jinja.
  4. [X] ansible-vim - Ansible syntax highlighting and common filetypes.
  5. [X] bats.vim - Syntax highlighting for Bats (Bash Automated Testing System).
  6. [X] brew.vim - Vim Syntax for Homebrew formulae.
  7. [X] c.vim - C/C++ IDE - Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc.
  8. [X] css3 - css3 syntax for vim.
  9. [X] django.vim - Syntax highlighting for Django templates.
  10. [X] jQuery - Syntax file for jQuery.
  11. [X] nginx.vim - highlights configuration files for nginx.
  12. [X] python.vim--Vasiliev - Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script.
  13. [ ] rest.vim - A reStructuredText syntax mode.
  14. [ ] vim-chef - Vim plugins for chef.
  15. [X] vim-coloresque - css/less/sass/html color preview for vim.
  16. [X] vim-css-color - Highlight colors in css files.
  17. [X] vim-css3-syntax - Add CSS3 syntax support to Vim's built-in syntax/css.vim.
  18. [X] vim-javascript-syntax - Improved Highlight for Ajax, DOM and Browser Objects, Methods and Properties.
  19. [X] vim-markdown - Syntax highlighting and matching rules for Markdown. (need Tabular)
  20. [X] vim-tmux - vim plugin for tmux.conf.

5.5. Themes

  1. [ ] Amy.vim - A colorscheme based on 'amy' sublime text 2 color theme.
  2. [X] jellybeans.vim - A colorful, dark color scheme for vim.
  3. [ ] vim-colorscheme-primary - Primary, a Vim color scheme based on Google's colors.
  4. [ ] vim-colorschemes - one stop shop for vim colorschemes.
  5. [ ] vim-powerline - better-looking, more functional vim statuslines.
  6. [X] vim-tomorrow-night - Tomorrow Theme mirror.
  7. [ ] Apprentice - A dark, low-contrast, Vim colorscheme.
  8. [X] Tomorrow Theme - The precursor to Base16 Theme.
  9. [X] vim-airline - Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.

5.6. Other

  1. [X] calendar.vim - The script of create calender window and don`t use the cal.
  2. [ ] evervim - edit evernote with markdown at vim.
  3. [ ] gsession.vim - Vim Session Plugin.
  4. [ ] numbers.vim - a plugin for intelligently toggling line numbers.
  5. [ ] riv.vim - reStructured Text in Vim.
  6. [X] vim-easymotion - It takes the <number> out of <number>w or <number>f{char} by highlighting all possible choices and allowing you to press one key to jump directly to the target.
  7. [X] vim-multiple-cursors - use multiple cursors like Sublime Text editor.
  8. [X] vim-sdcv - Searching word with sdcv at Vim.
  9. [X] vimcdoc-tw - Vimcdoc of Traditional Chinese.
  10. [X] vimwiki - Personal Wiki for Vim.
  11. [X] wmgraphviz.vim - Vim plugin for Graphviz dot.
  12. [X] xterm-color-table.vim - All 256 xterm colors with their RGB equivalents, right in Vim!

6. File Structure

├── ctags.exe                           # ctags.exe for Windows.
├── _gvimrc                             # GVim setting (ln to _vimrc).
├── Makefile                            # Setup on GNU/Linux.
├── README.rst
├── _vim
│   ├── colors
│   │   ├── ......
│   │   ├── fu.vim                      # Default colorschemes.
│   │   ├── ......
│   │   ├── jellybeans.vim
│   │   └── ......
│   ├── plugin-list.vim                 # NeoBundle settings.
│   └── vimrc.d
│       ├── abbreviation.vim            # Abbreviation list.
│       ├── blogger-template-fold.vim
│       ├── folding-html-php.vim.bak
│       ├── function.vim                # Custon function.
│       ├── im-switch.vim.bak
│       ├── keymap.vim                  # Custon mapping.
│       ├── php-funclist.txt
│       ├── themes.vim                  # GUI, Theme settings.
│       ├── title.vim                   # Copyright settings.
│       └── vimrc.vim                   # Other settings.
├── _vimrc                              # Loading '_vim/vimrc.d/*.vim'.
├── _vimrc.win32                        # vimrc for Windows.
└── WindowsInstall.bat                  # Setup on Windows.

7. Vimrc List

Sort list (A-Z, a-z).

  1. Amix
  2. Beata Lin
  3. Chu-Siang Lai
  4. CrBoy
  5. Denny Huang
  6. Eddie Kao
  7. Jerry Lee
  8. Josephj
  9. Kang-min Wang
  10. Mosky
  11. Muki Wu
  12. Sammy Lin
  13. Vgod
  14. defionscode
  15. headhsu2568
  16. joe di
  17. jsleetw
  18. mrmoneyc
  19. othree
  20. ssarcandy
  21. toomore
  22. weitsai
  23. wi1d5ky
  24. xinsuiyuer

8. License

Copyright (c) chusiang from 2011 under the MIT license.


vimrc of chusiang







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  • Vim Script 99.6%
  • Other 0.4%