Load Testing Framework for Eucalyptus
- Cloudformation enabled cloud
- CentOS/RHEL 6 Image
- Create the stack by (minimally) passing in your ImageID, KeyName, and CredentialURL (this URL must be accessible by your instances in the cloud and contain the test account credentials)
euform-create-stack --template-file locustio.cfn my-stack-name -p ImageID=emi-F6144478 -p KeyName=vic -p CredentialURL=''
- Check that the stack is complete by doing
- The system is now bootstrapping
- In the describe-stacks output you will see a line with the WebPortalUrl, this is where you can start your load test.
- Enter the number of total concurrent users youd like to simulate and how quickly youd like them to spawn, then hit the "Start swarming" button
- Locust will then show you the results of your requests. In order to see real time graphs of operation timings, run
and point your browser to the GrafanaURL
- Logs for both the master and slave Locust processes can be found at /mnt/locust.log.
- Logs for influxdb are in /opt/influxdb/shared/log.txt