Uses the Flexirest gem to provide a wrapper to the EVO/Fundraising Pages API.
This is primarily used by DM, but could also be used by other applications that need access to the api.
To use the public repository version of this gem, add the following line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'nfg-evo-rest-client', git: ''
Because this gem is hosted on NFG's private gem server, you can also add this line to the application's Gemfile, if the application is configured with a Personal Access Token) that allows repository read access:
source '' do
gem 'nfg-evo-rest-cache', '~> 1.0'
Three config variables need to be set:
NfgEvoRestClient::Base.nfg_evo_rest_base_url = APP_CONFIG["evo_api"]["base_url"]
NfgEvoRestClient::Base.nfg_evo_rest_user_email = APP_CONFIG["evo_api"]["user_email"]
NfgEvoRestClient::Base.nfg_evo_rest_user_token = APP_CONFIG["evo_api"]["user_token"]
We use VCR to record live responses from the FP beta API. To re-record the specs:
NFG_API_URL=https://api.networkforgood*.com/api/v1/ # default value is
[email protected] # censored from storage by VCR
NFG_USER_TOKEN=#################### # censored from storage by VCR
rm spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/* ; rspec spec # re-run all specs while recording fresh API responses
user_agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0'
curl -A $user_agent "[email protected]&user_token=###&entity_id=1" > campaigns.json
- Initial setup: add your GitHub personal access token
like so:
:github: Bearer ########################################
Bump and commit the version number in
. -
Run the following command:
rake build
gem push --key github --host pkg/nfg-evo-rest-client-#.#.#.gem
- Tag the final commit with the new version number for future reference (we may want to use this for continuous deployment in the future):
git tag -a v#.#.# -m "summarize changes here"
git push --tags # so tag shows up in Github
- @hoenth
- @subelsky