How It's Made: Tech used: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS, and Node.js
I served a simple node sever with the http module. Following that, in the HTML, I made a script tag and made three click functions. One click function, declared the variable rock, which would generate random numbers between 0 and 1. If the random number generated was under .3 then, the user would win with the rock input. If not, the user would lose. I did the same thing for all the other choices, except that paper was between .3 and .66, and scissors was between .66 and 1. Optimizations (optional)
This was a for morning challenge in class. If I had more time, I would add a draw option and I would follow the rules for separation of concerns. Also at this time, I did not how to point the node server to a javascript file.
Lessons Learned: This was first node server set up. I learned about that, and I learned about quick logic.