##socket.io library for Golang
forked from http://code.google.com/p/go-socketio
Documentation: http://godoc.org/github.com/googollee/go-socket.io
package main
import (
func news(ns *socketio.NameSpace, title, body string, article_num int) {
var name string
name = ns.Session.Values["name"].(string)
fmt.Printf("%s said in %s, title: %s, body: %s, article number: %i", name, ns.Endpoint(), title, body, article_num)
func onConnect(ns *socketio.NameSpace) {
fmt.Println("connected:", ns.Id(), " in channel ", ns.Endpoint())
ns.Session.Values["name"] = "this guy"
ns.Emit("news", "this is totally news", 3)
func onDisconnect(ns *socketio.NameSpace) {
fmt.Println("disconnected:", ns.Id(), " in channel ", ns.Endpoint())
func main() {
sock_config := &socketio.Config{}
sock_config.HeartbeatTimeout = 2
sock_config.ClosingTimeout = 4
sio := socketio.NewSocketIOServer(sock_config)
// Handler for new connections, also adds socket.io event handlers
sio.On("connect", onConnect)
sio.On("disconnect", onDisconnect)
sio.On("news", news)
sio.On("ping", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace){
sio.Broadcast("pong", nil)
//in politics channel
sio.Of("/pol").On("connect", onConnect)
sio.Of("/pol").On("disconnect", onDisconnect)
sio.Of("/pol").On("news", news)
sio.Of("/pol").On("ping", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace){
sio.In("/pol").Broadcast("pong", nil)
//this will serve a http static file server
sio.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public/")))
//startup the server
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":3000", sio))
go client:
package main
import (
func pol() {
client, err := socketio.Dial("")
if err != nil {
client.On("connect", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace) {
log.Println("pol connected")
client.On("news", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace, message string) {
log.Println(message, " in Pol")
func main() {
client, err := socketio.Dial("")
if err != nil {
client.On("connect", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace) {
ns.Emit("ping", nil)
client.Of("/pol").On("news", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace, message string) {
log.Println(message, " in Pol 2")
client.On("news", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace, message string) {
client.On("pong", func(ns *socketio.NameSpace) {
log.Println("got pong")
go pol()
javascript client
NOTE: There is a provided socket.io.js file in the lib folder for including in your project
var socket = io.connect();
socket.on("connect", function(){
socket.emit("news", "this is title", "this is body", 1)
socket.on("news", function(message, urgency){
console.log(message + urgency);
socket.on("pong", function() {
console.log("got pong")
socket.of("/pol").on("news", function(message, urgency){
console.log(message + urgency);
socket.of("/pol").on("pong", function() {
console.log("got pong")
socket.on("disconnect", function() {
alert("You have disconnected from the server")
var pol = io.connect("http://localhost/pol");
pol.on("pong", function() {
console.log("got pong from pol")
pol.on("news", function(message, urgency){
console.log(message + urgency);
- Added a socket.io client for quick use
- Fixed the disconnect event
- Added persistent sessionIds
- Added session values
- Added broadcast
- Added a simpler Emit function to namespaces
- Fixed connected event on endpoints
- Added events without arguments
- Fixed go client endpoints