This library makes it easy to insert data into QuestDB.
This client library implements QuestDB's variant of the InfluxDB Line Protocol (ILP) over TCP.
ILP provides the fastest way to insert data into QuestDB.
This implementation supports authentication and full-connection encryption with TLS.
The latest version of the library is 1.1.0.
python3 -m pip install questdb
from questdb.ingress import Sender
with Sender('localhost', 9009) as sender:
symbols={'id': 'toronto1'},
columns={'temperature': 20.0, 'humidity': 0.5})
You can also send Pandas dataframes:
import pandas as pd
from questdb.ingress import Sender
df = pd.DataFrame({
'id': pd.Categorical(['toronto1', 'paris3']),
'temperature': [20.0, 21.0],
'humidity': [0.5, 0.6],
'timestamp': pd.to_datetime(['2021-01-01', '2021-01-02'])'})
with Sender('localhost', 9009) as sender:
sender.dataframe(df, table_name='sensors')
If you need help, have additional questions or want to provide feedback, you may find us on Slack.
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The code is released under the Apache License 2.0.