ePDQ is a Ruby library for interfacing with Barclaycard's ePDQ payment gateway.
First, configure the EPDQ module for your settings:
EPDQ.pspid = "foo"
EPDQ.sha_type = :sha1 # or :sha256, :sha512
EPDQ.sha_in = "yourshainstring"
EPDQ.sha_out = "yourshaoutstring"
Then you can build the form for a user to POST to, starting in the controller: All the options keys are named after the downcased fields in the ePDQ documentation, provided as symbols or strings.
parameters = {
:amount => 1500,
:currency => "EUR",
:language => "en_US",
:orderid => "1234"
@epdq_request = EPQD::Request.new(parameters)
Then in a Rails view, you might do something like this:
<%= form_tag @epdq_request.request_url do |f| %>
<%- @epdq_request.form_attributes.each do |k, v| -%>
<%= hidden_field_tag k, v %>
<%- end -%>
<%= submit_tag "Pay with a credit or debit card" %>
<%- end -%>
And voila, the form is generated with the correct values, including the SHASIGN field.