Landsat time-sequential metric visualization and classification
The Landsat time-sequential metric visualization and classification module was developed by the Global Land Analysis & Discovery (GLAD) team at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA and the NEXTGIS R&D Company, Moscow, Russia. This module is designed to work with tiled Landsat composite data produced by the GLAD team.
The classification module is built on the basis of open source tools: Minimalist GNU for Windows (licensed by GNU General Public License); Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (licensed by Open Source Geospatial Foundation); Classification and Regression Trees (author: Brian Ripley). The visualization and classification module is distributed by You are free to use, modify and copy this package as long as you credit the code source. The module is distributed without warranty of any kind.
Suggested reference: The Landsat time-sequential metric visualization and classification tool for Quantum GIS developed by the Global Land Analysis & Discovery (GLAD) team at the University of Maryland and the NextGIS ( Available at:
Product developers: Alexander Bruy; Dmitry Baryshnikov; Maxim Dubinin; Junchang Ju; Alexander Krylov; Matthew Hansen; Peter Potapov.
This program is licensed under GNU GPL v2 or any later version
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