Tags: nfdxjob/ionic
Toggle v3.9.2's commit message
fix(action-sheet): remove ios inertia scroll to fix flicker
fixes ionic-team#13262
Toggle v3.9.1's commit message
chore(changelog): 3.9.0 changelog
Toggle v3.9.0's commit message
refactor(input): revert input/highlight height change that broke snpa…
Toggle v3.8.0's commit message
fix(popover): improve positioning in ios11
Toggle v3.7.1's commit message
Merge branch 'jacek-jaskolski-datetime_default_value'
Toggle v3.7.0's commit message
revert(item): revert the change from margin to padding right
this should have been changed for margin, not padding
Toggle v3.6.1's commit message
fix(navigation): fix popTo signature and make usage uniform
Toggle v3.6.0's commit message
fix(navigation): fix null pointer exceptions that would occur when de…
…stroying a nav controller while its transitioning
Toggle v3.5.3's commit message
fix(app): restore getActiveNav api
restore getActiveNav api
Toggle v3.5.2's commit message
You can’t perform that action at this time.