This package uses the pre-built Windows x64 and macOS arm64 binaries from waifu2x-converter-cpp in order to upscale anime-styled images with node.js. For upscaling videos, you will also need to have ffmpeg installed. For a gui version, you can also see my Waifu2x GUI app.
New - Added the Real-ESRGAN upscaler which is faster and gives better results than waifu2x. To use it, set upscaler to "real-esrgan" in the options. When using Real-ESRGAN, you can only provide scale factors from 2-4 and all other waifu2x specific settings are ignored. At 4x upscale it uses the Anime4x model which is a bit slower, but provides better results, so it is recommended to upscale at 4x when using Real-ESRGAN.
npm install waifu2x
import waifu2x from "waifu2x"
/*Upscale an image. If you specify a directory for the destination, the default name will be originalName2x.
You can optionally set the noise level (0/1/2/3), scale factor (default 2.0), mode (noise/scale/noise-scale), pngCompression (0-9), and jpgWebpQuality (0-101).*/
await waifu2x.upscaleImage("./images/laffey.png", "./images/upscaled/laffey2x.png", {noise: 2, scale: 2.0})
/*Upscales all images in a directory. Set recursive to true to also upscale all images in all sub directories, or to false to only scale images in that specific folder (this is the default). The rename will be appended to the
end of all the new filenames (default is 2x).*/
await waifu2x.upscaleImages("./images", "./upscaled", {recursive: true, rename: "2x"}, progress)
/*You can also use absolute paths, or set a custom path to waifu2x if you are bundling it yourself. It must be the path to the folder that waifu2x-converter-cpp.exe is in.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleImage("F:/Documents/image.png", "F:/Documents/image2x.png", {waifu2xPath: "F:/Documents/waifu2x"})
/*This callback function can track progress. Return true in order to stop early.*/
let progress = (current: number, total: number) => {
console.log(`Current Image: ${current} Total Images: ${total}`)
if (current === 5) return true
/*Percentage progress is Real-ESRGAN only. Return true to stop early.*/
let progress = (percent: number) => {
console.log(`Percent: ${percent}`)
if (percent > 50) return true
await waifu2x.upscaleImage("./images/laffey.png", "./images/upscaled/laffey2x.png", {scale: 4, upscaler: "real-esrgan"}, progress)
/*Grab some popcorn, because this is going to take centuries without a high-end gpu. The speed parameter
changes the speed of the gif by removing frames or increasing the delay between frames. The reverse parameter
reverses the frames if true. You can also set the quality (1-Infinity) where lower is better. Setting scale to 1 skips the upscaling entirely.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleGIF("./images/gifs/megumin.gif", "./images/gifs/megumin2x.gif", {quality: 10, speed: 1.5, reverse: true}, progress)
/*Extremely impractical... unless you are converting GIFs with like 3 frames. The speed parameter is
the same as the upscaleGif() function. The limit parameter is the amount of gifs to process.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleGIFs("./images/gifs", "./images/gifs/upscaled", {speed: 1.0, limit: 10}, totalProgress, progress)
/*By default, only one frame is upscaled at a time, but you can change this with the option parallelFrames. Note that setting this
number too high can freeze your computer if it runs out of CPU/memory.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleGIF("./images/gifs/parallel.gif", "./images/gifs/parallel.gif", {parallelFrames: 3}, progress)
/*New: Support for animated webps. It has the same parameters as the upscaleGIF function, pretty much. You can tell that a webp is
animated because it will reject from the regular upscaleImage() function.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleAnimatedWebp("./images/webps/mywebp.webp", "./images/webps/mywebp2x.webp", {scale: 2}, progress)
/*You can pass callback functions to both to track progress. You can also return true in order to stop early.*/
let progress = (current: number, total: number) => {
console.log(`Current Frame: ${current} Total Frames: ${total}`)
if (current === 5) return true
let totalProgress = (current: number, total: number) => {
console.log(`Current GIF: ${current} Total GIFs: ${total}`)
/*Now you are going to be waiting for all of eternity. The time this takes is heavily dependent on the framerate
(default is original). You can also set the quality (0-51), where lower is better, and speed (0.5-100) and reverse as with the GIF.
Setting scale to 1 will skip the upscaling entirely.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleVideo("./images/videos/gab.mp4", "./images/videos/gab2x.mp4", {framerate: 24, quality: 16, speed: 1.5}, progress)
/*Well, this is really not a good idea... The limit parameter is the amount of videos to process.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleVideos("./images/videos", "./images/videos/upscaled", {reverse: true, limit: 10}, totalProgress, progress)
/*Setting parallelFrames higher can improve performance at the cost of using more resources.*/
await waifu2x.upscaleVideo("./images/videos/parallel.mp4", "./images/videos/parallel.mp4", {parallelFrames: 3}, progress)
/*You can track progress the same as with GIFs. Returning true stops early.*/
let progress = (current: number, total: number) => {
console.log(`Current Frame: ${current} Total Frames: ${total}`)
if (current === 30) return true
let totalProgress = (current: number, total: number) => {
console.log(`Current Video: ${current} Total Videos: ${total}`)
If the program is terminated in the middle of upscaling a GIF or video, assuming that you provide the same options and that you didn't delete the frames folder, it will resume where it left off. This is useful for upscaling large GIFs/videos in multiple sittings.
export type Waifu2xFormats =
| "bmp"
| "dib"
| "exr"
| "hdr"
| "jpe"
| "jpeg"
| "jpg"
| "pbm"
| "pgm"
| "pic"
| "png"
| "pnm"
| "ppm"
| "pxm"
| "ras"
| "sr"
| "tif"
| "tiff"
| "webp"
export interface Waifu2xOptions {
noise?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
scale?: number
mode?: "noise" | "scale" | "noise-scale"
blockSize?: number
pngCompression?: number
jpgWebpQuality?: number
disableGPU?: boolean
forceOpenCL?: boolean
processor?: number
threads?: number
modelDir?: string
recursive?: boolean
rename?: string
waifu2xPath?: string
limit?: number
parallelFrames?: number
webpPath?: string
upscaler?: string
esrganPath?: string
export interface Waifu2xGIFOptions extends Waifu2xOptions {
quality?: number
speed?: number
reverse?: boolean
cumulative?: boolean
transparency?: boolean
export interface Waifu2xAnimatedWebpOptions extends Waifu2xOptions {
quality?: number
speed?: number
reverse?: boolean
webpPath?: string
export interface Waifu2xVideoOptions extends Waifu2xOptions {
framerate?: number
quality?: number
speed?: number
reverse?: boolean
pitch?: boolean
ffmpegPath?: string