SimpleHTTPServer Public
Simple HTTP server that supports HTTP/1.1 in C++.
AStarAlgorithm Public
A visualization version of A* algorithm finding shortest path between two nodes.
C++ UpdatedApr 11, 2023 -
VisualImageSearch Public
Visual image search project at our Computer Vision course in Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Python UpdatedJan 12, 2022 -
NvChad Public
Forked from NvChad/NvChadAn attempt to make neovim cli as functional as an IDE while being very beautiful, blazing fast.
Lua GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 10, 2022 -
voc Public
Forked from beeware/vocA transpiler that converts Python code into Java bytecode
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 24, 2021 -
Mathematical_Symbols_Recognition Public
Forked from Otman404/Mathematical_Symbols_RecognitionRecognition and Classification of Handwritten Math Symbols using Keras
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 18, 2021 -
dragon-book-exercise-answers Public
Forked from fool2fish/dragon-book-exercise-answersCompilers Principles, Techniques, & Tools (purple dragon book) second edition exercise answers. 编译原理(紫龙书)第2版习题答案。
HTML UpdatedJun 14, 2021 -
fft-conv-pytorch Public
Forked from fkodom/fft-conv-pytorchImplementation of 1D, 2D, and 3D FFT convolutions in PyTorch. Much faster than direct convolutions for large kernel sizes.
Python UpdatedMar 30, 2021 -