- Ukraine, Kiev
↯ Snap page when user stops scrolling, with a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behaviour
Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular
Polyfill for creating CustomEvents on IE9/10/11 if native implementation is missing.
✨ Easy, Reusable Animation Utility library for Angular
🔆 an open source syntax highlighter written in pure javascript
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
An introduction to NestJS - also watch the full video: https://www.academind.com/node-js/nestjs-introduction
📚 Russian translation of "You Don't Know JS" book series
Yeoman generator to create an Angular library
Angular 9 Universal repo with many features
ngx-hub / webComponents
Forked from maxim1006/webComponentswebComponents essentials
Code samples repository for the examples provided in "Learning Angular 2", published by Packt Publishing - THE BOOK COVERS UP TO RC.1 and hence is severely OUTDATED. PLEASE REFER TO THE LATEST EDIT…