Tags: ngx-rocket/generator-ngx-rocket
chore(release): 11.0.0 [skip ci] # [11.0.0](10.1.2...11.0.0) (2022-08-25) ### Bug Fixes * bootstrap dropdown placement ([454b36f](454b36f)) * puppeteer use with protractor ([c3814b6](c3814b6)) * workaround for test:ci not working ([166411e](166411e)) ### Features * migrate to Angular 14 and upgrade dependencies ([287ab10](287ab10)) * update electron deps ([30ad04a](30ad04a)) * update remaining files (fixes [#629](#629), [#631](#631)) ([0da10ed](0da10ed)) * update to Cypress 10 ([de4a483](de4a483)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * - Migrate to Angular 14 - Requires Node.js 14+
chore(release): 10.1.0 [skip ci] # [10.1.0](10.0.1...10.1.0) (2021-12-10) ### Bug Fixes * android package copy ([bcd2328](bcd2328)) * cannot update issue (fix [#607](#607)) ([dd96390](dd96390)) * e2e/cypress templates ([1131898](1131898)) * install errors with npm 7+ (fix [#611](#611)) ([1a273dd](1a273dd)) * jest test config with Angular 13 ([4a427ee](4a427ee)) * missing @popperjs/core peer dependency ([ba0aba5](ba0aba5)) * remove deprecated cordova-plugin-whitelist ([77e1b4f](77e1b4f)) * update command in addon generator ([dd2409b](dd2409b)) ### Code Refactoring * deprecate Protractor in favor of Cypress ([f5c4538](f5c4538)) ### Features * add cypress for e2e test ([#605](#605)) ([6fe85aa](6fe85aa)) * Angular 13 update ([49a3669](49a3669)) * migrate to [@awesome-cordova-plugins](https://github.com/awesome-cordova-plugins) ([4df3fb8](4df3fb8)) * update cypress and add auth support for e2e test ([6f80f69](6f80f69)) * update ionic packages ([839f629](839f629)) * update karma config ([90d40e6](90d40e6)) * update ng-bootstrap for v13 support ([af21e28](af21e28)) * update to Angular 13 ([9b3183c](9b3183c)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * Cypress is now the default choice for e2e tests.
chore(release): 10.0.0 [skip ci] # [10.0.0](9.2.1...10.0.0) (2021-07-22) ### Bug Fixes * angulartics errors in strict mode ([c8c2a97](c8c2a97)) * bootstrap 5 styling ([982bd12](982bd12)) * features prompt ([5b7edcf](5b7edcf)) * jest unit tests ([0e52d95](0e52d95)) * strict mode errors ([a67967c](a67967c)) * strict typings ([f1f1ea3](f1f1ea3)) ### chore * update to lastest core ([2045838](2045838)) ### Features * enable typescript strict mode by default ([a772e7d](a772e7d)) * make e2e tests optional and restore linting ([555ffc3](555ffc3)) * migrate addon template ci to use github actions ([1a15bc8](1a15bc8)) * migrate to eslint, removes htmlhint (closes [#473](#473)) ([b1f7334](b1f7334)) * migrate to husky v7 ([ab06976](ab06976)) * move pwa prompt to the features list ([8828d3d](8828d3d)) * regroup generator options under features prop ([d60b129](d60b129)) * removed [@core](https://github.com/core) module and moved services to [@shared](https://github.com/shared) ([830489b](830489b)) * update addon template ([580863f](580863f)) * update polyfills ([ecf5c98](ecf5c98)) * upgrade the generate app to be Angular 12 (closes [#600](#600)) ([afd59bc](afd59bc)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * update to lastest core, which forces yeoman-generator@5 breaking update. * migrate to eslint, removes htmlhint * Having a core module isn't necessary anymore as services aren't attached to modules anymore. This follows the Angular coding guide update that only mention shared module now. * enable typescript strict mode by default
chore(release): 9.2.0 [skip ci] # [9.2.0](9.1.0...9.2.0) (2021-01-14) ### Bug Fixes * app not loading with Electron v11 ([1444bf0](1444bf0)) * incorrect hads version ([ba20ff1](ba20ff1)) * rename env script to fix execution in some environments (closes [#575](#575)) ([ec93fdb](ec93fdb)) * update electron templates ([3433465](3433465)) * update generator dependencies ([bda29d9](bda29d9)) * update jest config ([4b4a357](4b4a357)) * update packages and fix peer dependencies ([64098dc](64098dc)) * update RouteReusableStrategy for Angular 11 ([#576](#576)) ([3077f5b](3077f5b)) ### Features * add brazilian portuguese language ([1a6d728](1a6d728)) * enable webpack 5 ([8592a71](8592a71)) * migrate to @ngneat/until-destroy (fix [#577](#577)) ([3a77fcb](3a77fcb)) * update editorconfig (fixes [#580](#580)) ([9f036b3](9f036b3))
chore(release): 9.0.0 [skip ci] # [9.0.0](8.1.1...9.0.0) (2020-09-10) ### Bug Fixes * bump min node version to 12 ([5145294](5145294)) * double prompt issue (close [#566](#566)) ([330b174](330b174)) * downgrade stylelint due to pending bugs ([5faf55a](5faf55a)) * incorrect version of @types/jest ([889b147](889b147)) * migrate tests using async to waitForAsync ([b386534](b386534)) * remove unused modules (close [#560](#560)) ([840c033](840c033)) * translation strings extraction (close [#551](#551)) ([cc58749](cc58749)) ### Features * **deps:** update packages ([05e240a](05e240a)) * upgrade to Angular 10 ([#568](#568)) ([ce64a85](ce64a85)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * Now requires Node >= 12 dues to dependencies update.