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Usage | API

Utility for Mithril creating attributes


Basic Usage

First create the builder, use it and get the attributes to use them in the mithril function.

var m = require('mithril')
var ma = require('mithril-util-attributes')

var div = m( "div", ma().id( "0" ).get() )

Create CSS Classes

var div = m( "div", ma().css( "highlight", ctrl.isHighlighted(), "bold", ctrl.isBold(), "italic",  ctrl.isItalic() ).get() )

// when ctrl.isHighlighted() == true
// when ctrl.isBold() == false
// when ctrl.isItalic() == true
// will create { 'class': 'highlight italic' }

Create Event bi-directional binding

m( "input", ma().name( "description" ).value( "initialValue" ).oninput( ctrl.setDescription ).get() )


Create the Builder

Builder ma( [Object givenAttributes] )

Creates a new instance of the builder. If you have attributes already, you can them handover via optional parameter.


Builder [Object givenAttributes] )

Creates a new instance of the builder. If you have attributes already, you can them handover via optional parameter.

Object builder.get()

Creates the attribute object.

Builder builder.css( String cssClassName, Boolean useit [,String cssClassName, Boolean useIt ] )

Can be invoked as often you like. The last class of two or more identical class strings will win.

Builder String id )

Builder builder.key( String key )

Builder builder.onclick( Function callback )

Builder builder.value( String value )

Builder builder.oninput( Function callback [, Boolean useMithrilWithAttrFunction [, Object thisArg ]] )

Builder builder.onchange( Function callback [, Boolean useMithrilWithAttrFunction [, Object thisArg ]] )

Builder builder.withAttr( String attrName, String event, Object initialValue, Function callback [, Object thisArg ] )

This will invoke internally:

attrs[attrName] = initialValue
attrs[event] = m.withAttr( attrName, callback, thisArg )

Builder builder.set( String key, Any value )

Set any attribute you like.