Contacts: +1437 215 2483
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Email: [email protected]
- AWS Acccount.
- Create Redhat EC2 Instnace.
- Create IAM Role With Required Polocies.
- VPCFullAccess
- EC2FullAcces
- S3FullAccess ..etc
- Attach IAM Role to EC2 Instance.
sudo yum install wget unzip -y
sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin/
# Export terraform binary path temporally
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
# Add path permanently for current user.By Exporting path in .bashrc file at end of file.
$ vi .bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
# Source .bashrc to reflect for current session
source ~/.bashrc
sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
# Add path permanently for current user.By Exporting path in .bashrc file at end of file.
vi .bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
Source .bashrc to reflect for current session
source ~/.bashrc
$ git clone
$ cd Terraform_Scripts
Create an EKS Kubernetes Cluster (VPC,Subnets,Route Tables, EKS Cluster, EKS NodeGroup, IAM, etc) As A Code Using Terraform Scripts
# Initialise to install plugins
cd /terraform-eks/EKS
terraform init
# Validate teffaform scripts
terraform validate
# Plan terraform scripts which will list resources which is going be created.
terraform plan
# Apply to create resources
terraform apply --auto-approve
## Destroy Infrastructure after...
$ terraform destroy --auto-approve
#### Create Infrastructure(VPC,Subnets,Route Tables,EC2 Instnaces ..etc) As A Code Using Terraform Scripts
``` sh
# Initialise to install plugins
$ terraform init VPC/
# Validate teffaform scripts
$ terraform validate VPC/
# Plan terraform scripts which will list resources which is going be created.
$ terraform plan VPC/
# Apply to create resources
$ terraform apply --auto-approve VPC/
$ terraform destroy --auto-approve VPC/