Geany Plugin: Smart auto close xml/html tag, smart indent, highlight match xml/html tag, smart close brackets and quoctes, smart delete brackets and quoctes []
Smart auto close XML/HTML tag with mutil tag. EX: <div><a href="">, only type </, geany-smarty will auto add </a>, type </ again geany-smarty will auto add </div>
Smart indent close XML/HTML tag such as open tag when enter and close tag with </
Highlight open and close XML/HTML tag when cursor inside tag.
Smart auto close brackets and quoctes combined with Auto-close quoctes and brackets[in Edit->Preferences->Editor].
Smart delete brackets and quoctes.
On Linux 64bit:
- Open terminal and run this command:
- gcc -c GeanySmarty.c -fPIC
pkg-config --cflags geany
&& gcc GeanySmarty.o -o -sharedpkg-config --libs geany
&& sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/geany
On Linux 32bit:
- Open terminal and run this command:
- gcc -c GeanySmarty.c -fPIC
pkg-config --cflags geany
&& gcc GeanySmarty.o -o -sharedpkg-config --libs geany
&& sudo cp /usr/lib/x86-linux-gnu/geany
On other OS: NOT TEST