Description | Link |
Front end repo for Raduno!, a responsive web app (React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Cypress, hosted on Netlify) to simplify organising group catch-ups. Includes chat, invitation and group voting features. Design documentation included. Next step is to complete real-time chat implementation using, and to integrate Auth0. | |
Back end repo for Raduno! - mutiple RESTful APIs (Node, Express), with migration/ seed data scripts for PostgreSQL, hosted on Heroku. Domain model, logical and physical datamodels, and API-Front End mapping diagram stored alongside the code. Next steps are to complete the Jest and SuperTest coverage and to transition to Typescript. | |
Country Quiz Web App - provides a series of hints, from which the player guesses the country. React, HTML and CSS, with 3rd party API integration for the country facts. Build in progress. Currently re-factoring to use Typescript and improving use of React Hooks. | |
Simple calculator in React to practice Typescript, pair-programming and Test Driven Design, using Jest. Very early days. Design complete. Build starting next week | |
- Large-scale system integration projects at Deloitte Consulting UK and PricewaterhouseCoopers Ireland;
- Agile digital transformation with Thoughtworks for Collinson Group;
- Continuous improvement programme for financial systems at NTMA (National Treasury Management Agency, Ireland);
- Data migrations, data cleansing, data transformations; and
- Data modelling and storage especially relational databases - Oracle, MySQL/MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2 and Ingres.
- photographer (occasionally paid);
- potter (definitely unpaid!); and
- hiker, mountain-biker, scramber and aspiring cold water swimmer.