A Ruby Gem for interacting with Gemini through Vertex AI, Generative Language API, or AI Studio, Google's generative AI services.
wearevolt / memoist
Forked from matthewrudy/memoistActiveSupport::Memoizable with a few enhancements
An authorization Rails plugin using a declarative DSL for specifying authorization rules in one place
A pack of Rails generators gem plugin that generates Rails 3 and Rails 2 I18n locale files for almost every known locale.
A jQuery plugin for fix HTML table Head, Foot and Columns
niciliketo / rubyXL
Forked from weshatheleopard/rubyXLRuby lib for reading/writing/modifying .xlsx and .xlsm files
niciliketo / zohoho
Forked from KentonWhite/zohohoSimple interface to zoho api
niciliketo / delayed_job
Forked from hsribei/delayed_jobDatabase backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify
niciliketo / exception_logger
Forked from QuBiT/exception_loggerexception_logger for Rails3
A gem for Ruby on Rails for writing Microsoft excel files
chrisfinne / exception_logger
Forked from QuBiT/exception_loggerexception_logger for Rails3
Ruby lib for reading/writing/modifying .xlsx and .xlsm files
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
niciliketo / comatose
Forked from mattmccray/comatoseComatose is a micro CMS, implemented as a Rails plugin, that is designed to be easy to embed and extend.
A framework for Realtime Web Apps
An incoming mail processing microframework in Ruby
A ruby DSL for spreadsheets. Fun to say - more fun to use!
The ruby on rails plugin for teethgrinder's Open Flash Chart (version 2)
hsribei / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify
The ruby on rails plugin for teethgrinder's Open Flash Chart (version 2)
Comatose is a micro CMS, implemented as a Rails plugin, that is designed to be easy to embed and extend.
Treat an ActiveRecord model as a file attachment, storing its patch, size, content type, etc.