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Creative approach to logic expression parsing
NNLogic is logic expression parser and truth table builder that uses non-traditional (and more efficient!) way of parsing.
Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Nick Ivanov NNLogic is distributed under the terms of GNU GPL v.3
NNLogic is written in Python, which means that all you need is the source code and a proper version of Python interpreter. NNLogic needs Python 3.x. If Python 3.x is not installed in your system, you can download it from here:
When Python 3.x is installed, download and unpack (if zipped or archived) the source code of NNLogic. You can use this link:
In order to run NNLogic, run a terminal, change current directory to the one with NNLogic source files, and run either of the following two files using python3:
- nnlogic.py -- CLI interface of NNLogic;
- nnlogic_gui.py -- GUI (Tkinter) version of NNLogic.
For example, if you are using Linux, and the directory with NNLogic is /home/johndoe/programs/nnlogic
, the following commands will run the GUI version of the program:
cd /home/johndoe/programs/nnlogic
python3 nnlogic_gui.py
Or you may want to use a single command:
python3 /home/johndoe/programs/nnlogic/nnlogic_gui.py
This is how the main window looks like:
In order to parse an expression and build a truth table for it, just type it in the purple box and click "Process":