Sets up various containers to provide a means of storing metrics via graphite into a cassandra instance via cyanite.
This uses cyanite, developed by Pierre-Yves Ritschard and graphite-cyanite/graphite-api developed by Bruno Renié
To use this, you will need the following on your host:
- virtualbox
- vagrant
- docker - For Linux
- boot2docker - For Windows / MacOSX
This has been tested on Ubuntu and RedHat variants. For getting Boot2Docker running on MacOSX, see How to use Docker on MacOSX
- cyanite - cassandra backed carbon daemon and metric web service
- graphite-cyanite - A plugin for using graphite-web with the cassandra-based Cyanite storage backend
- graphite-api - Graphite-web, without the interface. Just the rendering HTTP API
- grafana - An open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor
- cassandra - open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. Used by cyanite to store the graphite data instead of the traditional graphite whisper files.
To build out the project, run the following
sudo -s
Alternatively, there is a Vagrantfile in the directory to build out the servers via vagrant
The grafana dashboard is available at http://localhost
Write metrics via graphite at localhost:2003
Run ./ to generate some test metrics - 1, 5 and 15 minute load averages