Scripts for analogue-like high quality image display, as if it was captured by ideal camera. - 3x downscale for horizontal display layout. - high quality rescale using FFT transformation
Typical sequence:
- Match image size to 3x displayed size, using img-fft-resynth
- Downscale to subpixel layout
- View with 1:1 scale
Note: Even 3x fft upscale with 3x rgb downscale make smoother look due to how fft conversion works.
Warning: FFT resynth performs very slow if tmpdir is located on slow media. Placing it in tmpfs gives best speed, but may be risky, as imagemagick can easily run out of memory for too big images (I would usually interrupt it before system becomes unresponsive, forcing me to do it anyway).
- POSIX shell
- coreutils
- bc
- imagemagick
- lots of RAM and/or patience for too big input images (imagemagick fft filter feature)
Could be adapted to almost any layout (even 2x2, if you find, how to map color components from each subpixel to even sized grid).