Nick Andrew <[email protected]>
First release 3rd April, 2010
This package provides control and monitoring for the LS30 alarm system.
The LS30 is an alarm system which uses radio to talk to sensors, sirens and other devices. It was created by LifeSOS Taiwan, also known as Scientech Electronics Co, Ltd.
Some URLs for information about the device:
The LS30 has many features, including multiple zones, different kinds of alarm, integrated PSTN dialer and optional GSM dialer. Best though, is that it has an optional ethernet interface and the system can be fully monitored and operated through a TCP/IP connection.
This package is the work of Nick Andrew [email protected] and is not associated with LifeSOS or Scientech. All code is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
You need the optional ethernet interface. Configure it on your network. It listens on port 1681 by default. Assume its IP address is A.B.C.D
The PERLLIB environment variable needs to be set, so that perl can find the modules. PERLLIB is a colon-separated list of pathnames like $PATH. If PERLLIB is not already set, then do this from the directory into which you unpacked the code:
export PERLLIB=./lib
If PERLLIB is already set then add ./lib or $PWD/lib to the current value.
You should run the proxy daemon (bin/
). This daemon
will establish a connection to the LS30 and listen on one or more local
ports for connections from client code. Multiple client connections are
possible at the same time. You will need this if you intend to control
the LS30 while monitoring it, or use two different monitors, etc.
Run the proxy daemon as follows:
bin/ -h A.B.C.D:1681
This establishes a connection to A.B.C.D port 1681 and listens on local port 1681. The LS30 sends regular event messages. Any event messages received while no client is connected will be buffered by the proxy daemon and sent all at once to the first client to connect. That helps to avoid missing useful messages.
To run client code you should set the address of your proxy daemon in the environment:
export LS30_SERVER=
There is a rudimentary REST server now to provide access to the device.
To start it, run bin/webserver daemon
. It listens by default on localhost:3000
All the REST endpoints return JSON data structures.
Setting Name | Example Value |
Entry Delay | 10 |
Entry delay beep | 0 |
Exit Delay | 18 |
Inner Siren Enable | 1 |
Inner Siren Time | 180 |
Remote Siren Time | 3 minutes |
Setting Name | Example Value |
Operation Mode | Disarm |
Sample output (formatted):
"Special Sensor":{
"Burglar Sensor":{
"Fire Sensor":{
"Medical Button":{
Sample output (formatted):
"123456": {
"789abc": {
"def012": {
You can now run scripts:
Watch daemon
bin/ -c Watch
This will connect and observe all responses from the LS30. It tries to decode them and print them to standard output.
The types of responses are:
- Contact ID Event Messages
- Device Messages
- Command Responses
- AT & GSM strings
Contact ID Event Messages are strings in the ContactID protocol. They contain updates on events (such as arming or disarming) as well as periodic test reports.
Device Messages are received transmissions from wireless devices (both registered and unregistered devices). They tell when a device has been triggered or performs a self-test, when a door sensor opens or closes, when a remote controller is used and more.
Command Responses are lines which the LS30 sends back in response to an issued command. Commands start with '!' and end with '&' and responses are in the same format.
AT & GSM strings are sent by the LS30 when it attempts to communicate with the GSM dialer.
- Arm and Disarm the LS30
bin/ -m away
bin/ -m disarm
bin/ -m home
bin/ -m monitor
Send commands and decode the responses
bin/ '!n1?&'
Make the system safe for trigger testing
bin/ -y
bin/ -n
This command sets certain parameters to ensure that if the LS30 is triggered in away mode, it won't set off the siren(s). Used for testing the LS30 response to burglary and other situations, especially GSM dialout.
List registered devices
Get the date and time
All classes and scripts are written in Perl. They use:
- AnyEvent
- Data::Dumper
- Date::Format
- Getopt::Std
- IO::Socket::INET6 (for IPv6)
- Socket6 (for IPv6)
- Test::More
Debian/Ubuntu users install perl modules with names like "lib*-perl", so you should install the following packages:
- libanyevent-perl
- libio-socket-inet6-perl (for IPv6)
- libsocket6-perl (for IPv6)
- libtimedate-perl
- libyaml-perl
- perl-modules