Welcome to the repository containing my solutions for the Advent of Code 2023 challenges! This collection is written in C# and Python and aims to provide clear, concise, and efficient solutions to each day's programming puzzle.
Advent of Code is an annual programming challenge that takes place during the month of December. Each day, participants are presented with two coding puzzles that cover a variety of algorithms and data structures. It's a fun and engaging way to improve your problem-solving skills and explore new programming concepts.
Learn more about Advent of Code: Advent of Code Website
The repository is organized by days, with each day having its own folder containing the solutions. The folder naming convention follows the format dayXX
, where XX
is the day number. Within each day's folder, you will find the C# source code files and any additional resources necessary for solving the puzzles.
- day1_p1.cs
- day2_p2.cs
- day2_p1.cs
- day2_p2.cs
Happy coding and enjoy Advent of Code 2023!