Chuan Sun
[chuansun76 at gmail dot com]
This README file describes several major component of the "Yelper", a business recommendation system built mainly in Python using Spark framework.
Below are some features of the "Yelper":
- Divide original business data by cities allows fine tuned and customized recommendation
- Matrix Factorization based recommendation using Spark MLlib
- User-business graph analysis using Spark GraphX in Scala
- Real-time user request handling using Spark Streaming and Apache Kafka
- User-business graph visualization using D3 and graph-tool library
- Functional webserver to recommend high rated stuff for users
Now let me introduce in detail how to reproduce everything!
(1) Convert all user ids and business ids to integers. This made subsequent graph building a lot easier.
(2) Split the entire business data into smaller subsets by city. Obtained 9 major cities:
- us_charlotte
- us_lasvegas
- us_madison
- us_phoenix
- us_pittsburgh
- us_urbana_champaign
- canada_montreal
- germany_karlsruhe
- uk_edinburgh
All necessary util functions can be found here: ./
Run this command:
$ spark-submit ./
Since there is no Python support for GraphX, I wrote the code in Scala. Note, the scala code has to be built using "sbt". Make sure the GraphX library is properly configured in file "./spark_graphx_analysis/config.sbt".
Source code: "./spark_graphx_analysis/src/main/scala/YelpUserBusinessGraphAnalysis.scala"
Below are the commands to run the graph analysis:
- $ cd /Users/sundeepblue/Bootcamp/allweek/week9/capstone/spark_graphx_analysis
- $ sbt package
- $ spark-submit --master local --class "YelpUserBusinessGraphAnalysis" target/scala-2.11/simple-project_2.11-1.0.jar
The file is saved to "businessid_to_indegree.csv"
Run this command to prepare mf based model for each major city:
$ python
The purpose here is to simulate continuous user request handling.
Note that kafka zookeeper default port is 2181 not 9092! And, the zookeeper server and kafka server should be started in two separate terminals.
- $ cd /Users/sundeepblue/Bootcamp/allweek/week9/capstone/kafka/kafka_2.11-
- $ bin/ config/
- $ bin/ config/
- $ bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic user-request-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
Note that this command should also be run in a new terminal. Use port 2181 and use this topic: "user-request-topic"
- $ cd /Users/sundeepblue/Bootcamp/allweek/week9/capstone
- $ spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.0 ./
Note, do not specify port in KafkaProducer()!
- $ cd /Users/sundeepblue/Bootcamp/allweek/week9/capstone
- $ python ./
The purpose here is to generate .js file using all the nodes and edges in the user-business graph, such that I can load it and visualize graphs in web server.
See file:
This web server was built using:
- Spark
- Flask
- cherrypy
- Python paste
- $ cd /Users/sundeepblue/Bootcamp/allweek/week9/capstone/webserver
- $ spark-submit
recommendation for user '10081786' in city 'us_charlotte':
recommendation for user '10033545' in city 'us_madison':
users-businesses social network in Madison, USA:
The javascript file "./webserver/static/data/generated_nodes_and_edges_from_json_us_madison.js" was programmatically generated by python code "./"
- ./webserver/ (contains code to interact with Spark, recommend businesses, etc)
- ./webserver/ (how to make spark work with flask)
- ./templates/map.html (contain Google Map API calling)
- More graph analysis
- Graph pagerank analysis using GraphX
- Community discovery (similar to Facebook social network)
- Improve recommendation
- Content-based recommendation
- Clustering all businesses
- Extract object from business photos using Convolutional Neural Network
- Code
- Redirect spark execution log to txt file
- Add try/except to handle potential exceptions in codes
- Add more comments
- Add test cases for critical logics
- Google Map based web page
- Fine tune the webpage to support more features