A simple tool for fetching and handling data from an API with React
Installing react-api in your Node project is simple:
$ npm install react-api --save
At its core, react-api is really just a simple React component. You would treat it as you would any other React component, with a few specific settings to keep in mind while configuring:
- ref - string - Used to reference the component getting the API response.
- url - string - The address of where you're getting your API response.
- callback - function - A function for handling the actual response.
Here is a basic example of using react-api to get some data of a GitHub user's repositories:
const ReactAPI = require('react-api');
// The address of where to retrieve data
var URL = 'https://api.github.com/users/nickzuber/repos';
const MyAwesomeComponent = React.createClass({
handleResponse: function(){
// API response as a JavaScript object:
render: function(){
<ReactAPI ref='github' url={URL} callback={this.handleResponse} />
Copyright (c) 2015 Nick Zuber