RNeo4j is Neo4j's R driver. It allows you to read and write data from / to Neo4j directly from your R environment.
- Install
- Connect
- Nodes
- Relationships
- Cypher
- Shortest Paths
- Weighted Shortest Paths
- Graph Algorithms
- Visualizations
- Import
- Connection Issues
- Contribute
Download Neo4j community edition.
If you're on Windows, just download the .exe
and follow the instructions. You'll get a GUI where you simply press "Start" to start Neo4j.
If you're on OS X, you can download either the .dmg
or the .tar.gz
. The .dmg
is currently offered under the "beta program." This will give you a GUI where you simply press "Start" to start Neo4j. Otherwise, download the .tar.gz
, unzip, navigate to the directory and execute ./bin/neo4j start
If you're on Linux, you have to use the .tar.gz
. Download the .tar.gz
, unzip, navigate to the directory and execute ./bin/neo4j start
Go to the latest release and download the source code. You can then install with install.packages
install.packages("/path/to/file.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
If you have authentication enabled, pass your username and password.
graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/", username="neo4j", password="password")
nicole = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Nicole", age=24)
greta = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Greta", age=24)
kenny = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Kenny", age=27)
shannon = createNode(graph, "Person", name="Shannon", age=23)
r1 = createRel(greta, "LIKES", nicole, weight=7)
r2 = createRel(nicole, "LIKES", kenny, weight=1)
r3 = createRel(kenny, "LIKES", shannon, weight=3)
r4 = createRel(nicole, "LIKES", shannon, weight=5)
If you're returning tabular results, use cypher
, which will give you a data.frame
query = "
MATCH (nicole:Person)-[r:LIKES]->(p:Person)
WHERE nicole.name = 'Nicole'
RETURN nicole.name, r.weight, p.name
cypher(graph, query)
## nicole.name r.weight p.name
## 1 Nicole 5 Shannon
## 2 Nicole 1 Kenny
For anything more complicated, use cypherToList
, which will give you a list
query = "
MATCH (nicole:Person)-[:LIKES]->(p:Person)
WHERE nicole.name = 'Nicole'
RETURN nicole, COLLECT(p.name) AS friends
cypherToList(graph, query)
## [[1]]
## [[1]]$nicole
## < Node >
## Person
## $name
## [1] "Nicole"
## $age
## [1] 24
## [[1]]$friends
## [[1]]$friends[[1]]
## [1] "Shannon"
## [[1]]$friends[[2]]
## [1] "Kenny"
Both cypher
and cypherToList
accept parameters. These parameters can be passed individually or as a list.
query = "
MATCH (p1:Person)-[r:LIKES]->(p2:Person)
WHERE p1.name = {name1} AND p2.name = {name2}
RETURN p1.name, r.weight, p2.name
cypher(graph, query, name1="Nicole", name2="Shannon")
## p1.name r.weight p2.name
## 1 Nicole 5 Shannon
cypher(graph, query, list(name1="Nicole", name2="Shannon"))
## p1.name r.weight p2.name
## 1 Nicole 5 Shannon
p = shortestPath(greta, "LIKES", shannon, max_depth=4)
n = nodes(p)
sapply(n, "[[", "name")
## [1] "Greta" "Nicole" "Shannon"
p = shortestPath(greta, "LIKES", shannon, max_depth=4, cost_property="weight")
n = nodes(p)
sapply(n, "[[", "name")
## [1] "Greta" "Nicole" "Kenny" "Shannon"
## [1] 11
query = "
MATCH (n)-->(m)
RETURN n.name, m.name
edgelist = cypher(graph, query)
ig = graph.data.frame(edgelist, directed=F)
## Nicole Greta Kenny Shannon
## 2 0 0 0
## Nicole Greta Kenny Shannon
## 0.3333333 0.2000000 0.2500000 0.2500000
net = network(edgelist)
ggnet(net, label.nodes=TRUE)
Read this blog post and check out this slide deck.
hflights = hflights[sample(nrow(hflights), 1000), ]
row.names(hflights) = NULL
## Year Month DayofMonth DayOfWeek DepTime ArrTime UniqueCarrier FlightNum
## 1 2011 12 9 5 2059 2313 CO 1615
## 2 2011 8 4 4 NA NA MQ 2870
## 3 2011 2 17 4 1057 1416 WN 9
## 4 2011 12 10 6 1325 1628 CO 1151
## 5 2011 11 20 7 1922 2100 XE 4370
## 6 2011 10 25 2 1033 1143 WN 183
## TailNum ActualElapsedTime AirTime ArrDelay DepDelay Origin Dest Distance
## 1 N14629 194 168 -8 -1 IAH SLC 1195
## 2 N692MQ NA NA NA NA HOU DFW 247
## 3 N511SW 139 123 36 32 HOU FLL 957
## 4 N57852 123 102 -18 -5 IAH MCO 854
## 5 N15948 98 76 64 62 IAH LBB 458
## 6 N368SW 70 57 -7 -2 HOU LIT 393
## TaxiIn TaxiOut Cancelled CancellationCode Diverted
## 1 10 16 0 0
## 2 NA NA 1 A 0
## 3 3 13 0 0
## 4 7 14 0 0
## 5 5 17 0 0
## 6 4 9 0 0
addConstraint(graph, "Carrier", "name")
addConstraint(graph, "Airport", "name")
query = "
CREATE (flight:Flight {number: {FlightNum} })
SET flight.year = TOINT({Year}),
flight.month = TOINT({DayofMonth}),
flight.day = TOINT({DayOfWeek})
MERGE (carrier:Carrier {name: {UniqueCarrier} })
CREATE (flight)-[:OPERATED_BY]->(carrier)
MERGE (origin:Airport {name: {Origin} })
MERGE (dest:Airport {name: {Dest} })
CREATE (flight)-[o:ORIGIN]->(origin)
CREATE (flight)-[d:DESTINATION]->(dest)
SET o.delay = TOINT({DepDelay}),
o.taxi_time = TOINT({TaxiOut})
SET d.delay = TOINT({ArrDelay}),
d.taxi_time = TOINT({TaxiIn})
tx = newTransaction(graph)
for(i in 1:nrow(hflights)) {
row = hflights[i, ]
appendCypher(tx, query,
## This To That
## 1 Flight OPERATED_BY Carrier
## 2 Flight ORIGIN Airport
## 3 Flight DESTINATION Airport
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Couldn't connect to server
Neo4j probably isn't running. Make sure Neo4j is running first. It's also possible you have localhost resolution issues; try connecting to
Error: client error: (401) Unauthorized
No authorization header supplied.
You have auth enabled on Neo4j and either didn't provide your username and password or they were invalid. You can pass a username and password to startGraph
graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/", username="neo4j", password="password")
You can also disable auth by editing the following line in conf/neo4j-server.properties
# Require (or disable the requirement of) auth to access Neo4j
Check out the contributing doc if you'd like to contribute!