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CouchbaseMock - The Couchbase Test Server

CouchbaseMock is a test server implementing some of the memcached protocol which is used by some SDKs (including the C SDK) for basic testing. While it is recommended that testing be done against the real server, CouchbaseMock is useful as being self contained (there is no need to install it to the system) and for allowing extra instrumentation.

CouchbaseMock is implemented in Java and is intended to be used by a single client instance. Testing with any real kind of workload has not been done, and it is not intended to be high performance or reliable (it does not even persist data to the disk). As opposed to [cbgb|], this is not intended to be a full implementation and/or replacement for the server.

The repository for CouchbaseMock may be found at This is a maven project and most of us use NetBeans with it.

Basic Usage

Typically the mock is spawned by passing a --port argument as the REST port to listen on, and a list of bucket specifications separated by commas. Passing --help to the CouchbaseMock should show example usage.

By default, the mock will be up and running with the default bucket.

Once the mock has been started, it may be used like a normal Couchbase server, with clients bootstrapping over HTTP using the port specified as --port.

Supported Couchbase Operations

Memcached (Key-Value)

  • GET
  • GETQ
  • GAT
  • GATQ
  • SET
  • ADD
  • GETL (From 0.6)
  • UNL (From 0.6)
  • OBSERVE (From 0.6)
  • GET_REPLICA (From 0.6)

Administrative REST API

These standard REST API endpoints are supported. See the Couchbase Administration manual for how to use these endpoints. These behave exactly as they would against a real Couchbase cluster.

The username and password are hard-coded into the mock as Administrator and password respectively.

  • /pools (GET)
  • /pools/default (GET)
  • /pools/default/buckets (GET, POST) - allows for bucket creation
  • /pools/default/buckets/$bucket (GET, DELETE) - allows for bucket deletion
  • /pools/default/buckets/$bucket/ddocs (GET) - allows for listing design documents
  • /pools/default/bucketsStreaming/$bucket (GET) - streaming config URI
  • /sampleBuckets/install (POST) - allows loading the beer-sample bucket. Note that this endpoint seems to be undocumented.

Note that only SASL-auth buckets may be created. This does not necessarily mean that your bucket must have a password. For example:

curl -XPOST -u Administrator:password \
    localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets \
    -d bucketType=couchbase \
    -d name=newbucket \
    -d authType=sasl \
    -d ramQuotaMB=200

Will create a bucket without a password.

Additionally note that the ramQuotaMB must be specified, though other than being necessary for conforming to server behavior, has no effect.

Views (Map-Reduce)

The following rest endpoints are supported. Note that the view query port (e.g. the capi port) is the same as the administrative port. This should not matter for conforming clients which determine this information from the cluster configuration endpoint.

Both map and reduce functions are supported. Javascript support is provided using Rhino, so view functions which depend on V8-specific functionality may fail.

The beer-sample bucket is available in the mock and may be loaded by passing the -S option on the commandline. It may also be loaded in-situ by using the /sampleBuckets/install REST API, for example:

curl -u Administrator:password localhost:8091/sampleBuckets/install \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '["beer-sample"]'

Accessing views may be done by the following endpoints:

  • /$bucket/_design/$ddoc (PUT, GET, DELETE) - used to create or remove design documents
  • /$bucket/_design/$ddoc/_view/$view - to query a view

The following view parameters are recognized and have effect

  • skip
  • limit
  • reduce
  • group
  • group_level
  • startkey
  • startkey_docid
  • endkey
  • endkey_docid
  • key
  • keys
  • inclusive_start (NOTE: not in Couchbase)
  • inclusive_end
  • descending
  • debug (returns dummy debug info)

The full_set and stale options are ignored.

Out-of-band Commands

The Out-Of-Band (OOB or Control) commands are where "special" commands can be sent to the mock to do certain things which can simulate different conditions.

OOBs are sent over the Harakiri Port. The Harakiri Port is a client-side listening port to which the mock will connect to once started up, and once the client close the connection the mock server will perform a harakiri. The normal "handshake" sequence is as follows:

Note that this can be found in tests/server.c in the libcouchbase distribution

  1. The client sets up a listening address (typically on a random port -- i.e. passing 0 for sin_port).
  2. Call the usual functions, i.e. socket(), bind(), and listen(). Then call getsockname() to get the newly assigned port number
  3. Invoke the CouchbaseMock JAR passing the newly assigned listening port as the argument to the --harakiri-monitor option, so e.g. --harakiri-monitor=localhost:42464
  4. Additionally, pass --port=0 to the JAR so that it will generate a random REST port (this way we don't have port conflicts)
  5. In the client, call accept() on the harakiri port. The mock will connect to it.
  6. Read from the new connection until an ASCII NUL is encountered. The data read will be a C string containing the ASCII representation of the newly assigned REST port.
  7. Once the REST port has been received, you can use it in normal Couchbase/lcb_t operation to connect to the mock cluster.
  8. Send/Receive additional OOB commands on the new harakiri connection established between client and mock

Command Format

The command format consists of JSON objects delimited by newlines. The JSON object will consist of the following keys.

  • command: this is the name of the command
  • payload: This is an object which contains the payload for the command

The response for the command will be delivered at its most basic level will be a JSON object consisting of the following fields

  • status: This indicates the status of the command, it will be "ok" if the command was successful
  • payload: (optional) - if there is more than a status to deliver


This is a lightweight API following the semantics of the JSON API; only that it uses HTTP as a transport.

The format of each command is http://localhost:18091/mock/<command>?payload\_param1=payload\_value1&...

Where is the value for the JSON command field, and the query parameters are expanded (URL-Encoded) fields within the payload.

Note that all requests (even those which modify data) use the GET method; this is to make it simple to test using a web browser.

Command Listings

The following commands are supported by the Mock. The payload for each command should contain dictionary keys corresponding to the listed Name of the parameter, and its value should conform to the specified Type.


This command fails over a specific server with a given index (the index is obtained from the REST configuration). It may also be passed a bucket for which the failover should affect (if no bucket is passed, it will be default). Names in bold are required


Name Meaning Type
idx The server index JSON Number
bucket The bucket to affect (`"default"`) if unspecified JSON String


This command does the opposite of failover. Call this with the same arguments as failover to re-activate the node which was failed over.


Schedules an artificial delay after a memcached server has sent a specific amount of data. This is intended to simulate a scenario where a server hangs or stalls after sending out a partial packet.


    <td>The duration of the delay in milliseconds</td>
    <td>JSON Number</td>
    <td>Stall after this many bytes have been sent</td>
    <td>JSON Number</td>
Name Meaning Type

Setting both parameters to 0 disables hiccup


Chops off data from the end of each packet. As a result it means invalid data will be sent to the client (this may also be used in conjunction with failover to simulate a node sending partial data and then disconnecting)


Name Meaning Type
limit Limit the next write operation to this many bytes JSON Number

Setting the limit to 0 disables truncate


Causes a number of memcached operations to unconditionally fail with a specific error code. This may be used to simulate simple 'OOM' or NOT_MY_VBUCKET errors.


Name Meaning Type
code The Memcached protocol code to force JSON Number; Must also be recognized by the Mock
count The number of times this error code should be sent before normal operation is restored. This can be either a positive number (which indicates that this many operations should fail before restoring to normal operation), 0 (which means that normal behavior be restored immediately) or a negative number, in which case commands will fail indefinitely until a 0 is sent again with this command JSON Number
servers A list of servers to apply this setting to. Servers are specified as indices into the server array. By default, all servers are used JSON Number

Time Travel

This command moves the internal clock in the server. The primary purpose for this is to allow the clients to test TTL without having to "sleep". Names in bold are required


Name Meaning Type
Offset The number of seconds to add to the internal clock JSON Number


This command enables or disables CCCP protocol semantics for a group of servers.


Name Meaning Type
enabled Whether to enable or disabled CCCP on the selection criteria JSON Boolean
bucket Bucket for which CCCP should be enabled/disabled. If this is empty, then this command affects all buckets String
servers An array of server indices for which the enable/disable setting should apply to. If this is not set, then all servers are modified Array of numbers


This is a more convenient way to get the memcached ports without parsing the entire vBucket config. This is particularly useful for libcouchbase' tests which at the time of writing don't have access to a simple HTTP implementation


Name Meaning Type
bucket Which bucket to use. If unspecified, default is used string

The response shall contain in the payload field a JSON array of integers containing port numbers (relative to the Mock's listening addresses) which may be used as memcached ports.


This command returns the information about a given key in the mock server. Names in bold are required


Name Meaning Type
key The key to access JSON String
Bucket The bucket in which the key resides Optional. String. If not specified,
is used

The payload contains a JSON object containing the per-node status of a given key. The base object is a JSON array ([]). Each element in the array is a JSON object containing three fields.

The nodes are ordered according to the server list received in the vBucket configuration.

If the server is neither a replica nor a master for the given key, it is present as null.

  • Conf: Configuration information about this node in relation to the keys' vBucket. This is a JSON object containing two subfields:

    • Index - the server index in the vBucket map for the given vBucket. If this is a master, the index will be 0
    • Type - Either master or replica
  • Cache: This is a JSON object containing the status of the key as it resides in the node's Cache. If the item is not present within the node's cache, the object is empty; otherwise it contains these subfields:

    • CAS The CAS value of the key as present within the storage domain
    • Value the actual value of the key
  • Disk: This carries the same semantics as Cache, only that it displays information relating to the node's Disk storage domain.

Key Access Commands


Starting with 0.6, the Mock introduces actual storage layers to emulate those of an actual cluster. Specifically, a cluster has one or more nodes, where each node retains a key in both its volatile memory (Cache) and persistent storage (Disk). While from a user perspective this process tends to be transparent, the distinction makes itself known when operating on things such as views (where indices are built from "persisted" items only) and the various OBSERVE and/or durability/persistence-requirement commands as well as get-from-replica.

Note that Cache and Disk represent abstract concepts in the Mock. At the time of writing, the Mock does not actually write anything to the disk, but merely contains a separate storage domain for "Disk".

Thus, whenever an item is stored in the mock it may go through the following steps:

  1. The item is inserted into the vBucket master's Cache
  2. The item is inserted into the vBucket master's Disk
  3. For each vBucket replica, the item is placed inside its Cache
  4. For each vBucket replica, the item is placed inside its Disk

Common Parameters

These out-of-band commands allow to modify or retrieve information on a specific key.

They all accept a set of common parameters

Name Meaning Type
Key The key to access JSON String
OnMaster Whether to affect the key on the vBucket master JSON Boolean
OnReplicas Which replicas should be affected This can either be a number indicating how many replicas to affect; or it can be a list of specific replica indices to affect
CAS The new CAS to use Optional. Number. If not specified, the existing CAS (if the key already exists) of each key entry in its respective storage partition will be used. Otherwise a new CAS is generated
Value The new value to use Optional. String. If not specified the items value will be an empty string
Bucket The bucket in which the key resides Optional. String. If not specified,
is used

Below is a list of commands which accept these common parameters



This command will store an item to one or more nodes' Disk storage domain. The nodes affected depend on the OnMaster and OnReplicas parameters


Remove an item from the Disk storage domain from the selected nodes


Store an item to one or more nodes' Cache


Remove an item from one or more nodes' Cache


For each affected node, store the item to its Disk and Cache stores. This is equivalent to calling persist and cache on the same item


For each affected node, remove the item from both its Disk and Cache stores. This is equivalent to calling uncache and unpersist on the same item


A Java mock for Couchbase







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  • Java 97.7%
  • JavaScript 2.3%