Multivariate Linear regression with feature and parameter selection using sparse group lasso. Suitable for high dimensional problems.
This is the R package lsgl version 1.3.7.
This package implements procedures for working with multivariate linear regression models using sparse group lasso. This includes procedures for fitting and cross validating sparse models in a high dimensional setup. See the Quick Start (Predict airline ticket prices for multiple airlines) for an example of a workflow consisting of 1) model selection and assessment using cross validation, 2) estimation of a final model and 3) using the selected model for carrying out predictions on new data.
Comparison of the multivariate lasso estimate and least squares estimate on simulated data with 50 samples, 50 features and a 25-dimensional response. See
for details.
Package highlights:
- Feature and parameter selection
- Fast coordinate gradient descent algorithm
- Suitable for high dimensional multiclass classification
- Support for lasso, group lasso and sparse group lasso
- Supports custom grouping of features
- Supports sample weighting
- Supports individual weighting of the group and parameter penalties
The penalized maximum likelihood estimator for the linear multiple-response regression model is computed using a coordinate gradient descent algorithm via the sglOptim optimizer. Use of parallel computing for cross validation and subsampling is supported through the foreach and doParallel packages.
Installation from souce requires installation of the necessary compiler tools for Mac or Windows.
Install the package from GitHub:
# install.packages("remotes") # uncomment if remotes is not already installed
remotes::install_github("nielsrhansen/sglOptim", build_vignettes = TRUE)
remotes::install_github("nielsrhansen/lsgl", build_vignettes = TRUE)
If you don't want to build the vignettes when installing, just remove the build_vignettes = TRUE
# Load sone data
# Setup 2 parallel units
cl <- makeCluster(2)
# Do 10-fold cross validation on 100 models with increasing complexity, using the 2 parallel units <- lsgl::cv(
x = X,
y = Y,
alpha = 0.5,
lambda = 0.001,
use_parallel = TRUE
## Running lsgl 10 fold cross validation
## Samples: Features: Models: Groups: Parameters:
## 337 412 6 412 2.472k
# Print information about models
# and cross validation errors
## Call:
## lsgl::cv(x = X, y = Y, alpha = 0.5, lambda = 0.01, use_parallel = TRUE)
## Models:
## Index: Lambda: Features: Parameters: Error:
## 1 1.000 2.9 17.4 132
## 20 0.413 4 24 103
## 40 0.163 10.5 60.9 78
## 60 0.064 14.7 83.8 66
## 80 0.025 33.7 167.7 58
## 100 0.010 48.6 215 51
## Best model:
## Index: Lambda: Features: Parameters: Error:
## 100 0.01 48.6 215 51
- R package documentation
- Quick Start (Predict airline ticket prices for multiple airlines)
Martin Vincent wrote the package. Niels Richard Hansen is the current maintainer.
GPL (>=2)