🔭 I’m currently working on One stop data pipeline web application
🌱 I’m currently learning GoLang, Spring, Spring Boot
💬 Ask me about React, Javascript, Java, Node.js, express, API Developement, AWS, EC2 instance, Lambda function, Google Cloud Platform, load balancer, Autoscaling
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Below are my projects
- Carpooling Application - A web application designed to facilitate carpooling, improving travel efficiency and reducing environmental impact.
- Reminder App with Vanilla JS - A simple reminder application built using vanilla JavaScript and implementing OOP concepts.
- Reminder App with React and Node.js - An enhanced version of the reminder application featuring a React frontend and Node.js backend.
- Recipe app integrating third party rest API - A simple recipe application where the user can upload recipe and bookmark liked recipes using classes and OOP concepts