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Starred repositories
LINQPad 7/8 dynamic context driver for generating C# Api clients using Open Api/Swagger spec
Primo is a visual CMS with a built-in code editor, Svelte blocks, and static site generator.
The JavaScript / Wasm runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers
Reviving the language that brought us the Jak & Daxter Series
Horizon Medius server emulator.
A simple python medius implementation made specifically for Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Nov 20 2017 -- A distributed open source search engine and spider/crawler written in C/C++ for Linux on Intel/AMD. From gigablast dot com, which has binaries for download. See the README.md file at…
Maru - a tiny self-hosting lisp dialect
An operating system written in Common Lisp
Localize your cat at home with BLE beacon, ESP32s, and Machine Learning
Creates a distro from a tarball and optionally adds a user to it
Compilation of Scala Native resources and libraries
A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Clank is a high-performance open source Medius server implementation
Library to encrypt/decrypt Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2) Medius packets.
Medius server emulator for Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2. Moved to https://github.com/Horizon-Private-Server/horizon-server
A Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite (Decompiler, Editor, Debugger & More)
Libmish adds a command prompt to your program, and telnet access. With your own commands.
Community-managed fork of the Arc dialect of Lisp; for commit privileges submit a pull request.
Forked from Slashcode, rehash is the codebase that powers SoylentNews.org, powered by mod_perl 2