hugen79 / S-A-A-2-H
Forked from nanovna-v2/NanoVNA2-firmwareFirmware for NanoVNA V2
Code and models for our CVPR'19 paper "Representation Flow for Action Recognition"
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
Optimization of Yagi Antenna Based on Reinforcement Learning Framework Parl
A high-performance distributed training framework for Reinforcement Learning
Easy-to-use image segmentation library with awesome pre-trained model zoo, supporting wide-range of practical tasks in Semantic Segmentation, Interactive Segmentation, Panoptic Segmentation, Image …
A treasure chest for visual classification and recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
All-in-One Development Tool based on PaddlePaddle(飞桨低代码开发工具)
DetectoRS: Detecting Objects with Recursive Feature Pyramid and Switchable Atrous Convolution
A flexible, high-performance carrier for machine learning models(『飞桨』服务化部署框架)
Object Detection toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. It supports object detection, instance segmentation, multiple object tracking and real-time multi-person keypoint detection.
A working XLSX Library for typescript (Rebuild of the original xlsx):