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- Germany / Poland
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- in/rafal-kala-55827941
- NikczemnyDev
Notflix Public
HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript - Notflix - not Netflix Movie Information App - is a demo product web application that provides a satisfying movie browsing experience. It accesses The Movie Database …
reactodo Public
HTML, CSS, React.js - Reactodo - modern to do list web application - and my first React.js project . A minimalist and efficient to-do list application designed to help you manage your tasks effortl…
ExpandingGallery Public
HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript - ExpandingGallery - a pretty gallery product to showcase some pretty pictures as well as my skills. : )
BugSquashTheGame Public
HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript - BugSquashTheGame - my new product is a fun and interactive game that challenges your reflexes and hand-eye coordination. The game is perfect for those who are intere…
HydrationTracker Public
HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript - HydrationTracker - Daily Water Drinking Tracker. HydrationTracker is a simple and effective web application product designed to help users stay hydrated by tracking …
DataVisualizator Public
Java - DataVisualizator - data visualization (from Polish visualisation = wizualizacja) program that allows users to create pie charts and bar charts from their data. The program is designed to be …
SlideInInfScroll Public
HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Slide In Scroll - web app product ready to deploy anywhere, it's an implementation of an engaging scrolling effect showing content elegantly sliding in and out of view from …
UnblurEffectLoading Public
HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Unblur Effect Loading - a mini project that demonstrates one of the neat ways to harness CSS with JS to make loading elements (or even websites in their entirety) clean, mod…
CollocationsFinder Public
Java - CollocationsFinder - in Computational Linguistics collocations are words that appear together much more often than they would only by chance. This program can be trained on any text, then ba…
Concordancer Public
Java - Concordancer - in Computational Linguistics (which is my programming background) concordance is a listing of each occurence of a word or pattern in a corpus (for instance - a book) with the …
FibonacciNonRecursive Public
Java - Fibonacci Sequence - non-recursive, more efficient iterative solution.
FibonacciRecursive Public
Java - Fibonacci Sequence - recursive solution.