- Athens, Greece
todo-app Public
Full-stack web application to manage a list of to do items
JavaScript UpdatedJul 28, 2022 -
phonebook-api Public
A sample API implementation supporting CRUD operations for phonebook contacts persisted into SQLite datastore.
TypeScript UpdatedJul 5, 2022 -
recursive-table Public
Sample project for the rendering of tree data into a recursive table. Written with TypeScript, React and Material-UI library.
TypeScript UpdatedJul 5, 2022 -
real-types Public archive
Converts strings to corresponding types.
ls-cache Public archive
Simple localStorage caching library
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 7, 2019 -
contactsapp Public archive
Contact manager app built with BackboneJS
tictactoe-react Public archive
Tic-Tac-Toe built with React and Immutable.js
vim-lucius Public
Forked from jonathanfilip/vim-luciusLucius color scheme for vim
Vim Script UpdatedJul 6, 2015