Please do not use this repository as a solution, but as inspiration or to compare your solutions.
I tried to get the maximum score for all challenges, if this was not the case, I wrote the score, which was reached with the code in the first line of the file. Sometimes there are several variants.
(Last Update: 24. March 2019)
- Day 0 - Hello, World [Java]
- Day 1 - Data Types [Java]
- Day 2 - Operators [Java]
- Day 3 - Intro to Conditional Statements [Java]
- Day 4 - class vs instance [Java]
- Day 5 - Loops [Java]
- Day 6 - Review Loop [Java]
- Day 7 - Arrays [Java]
- Day 8 - Dictionaries and Maps [Java]
- Day 9 - Recursion [Java]
- Day 10 - Binary Numbers [Java]
- Day 11 - 2D Arrays [Java]
- Day 12 - Inheritance [Java]
- Day 13 - Abstract Classes [Java]
- Day 14 - Scope [Java]
- Day 15 - Linked List [Java]
- Day 16 - Exceptions - String to Integer [Java]
- Day 17 - More Exceptions [Java]
- Day 18 - Queues and Stacks [Java]
- Day 19 - Interfaces [Java]
- Day 20 - Sorting [Java]
- Day 21 - Generics [Java]
- Day 22 - Binary Search Trees [Java]
- Day 23 - BST Level-Order Traversal [Java]
- Day 24 - More Linked Lists [Java]
- Day 25 - Running Time and Complexity [Java]
- Day 26 - Nested Logic [Java]
- Day 27 - Testing [Java]
- Day 28 - RegEx, Patterns, and Intro to Databases [Java]
- Day 30 - bitwise and [Java]
- Day 00
- Day 00 - DataTypes [js]
- Day 00 - Hello World! [js]
- Day 01
- Day 01 - Arithmetic Operators [js]
- Day 01 - Functions [js]
- Day 01 - Let and Const [js]
- Day 02
- Day 02 - Conditional Statements If-Else [js]
- Day 02 - Conditional Statements Switch [js]
- Day 02 - Loops [js]
- Day 03
- Day 03 - Arrays [js]
- Day 03 - Try Catch and Finally [js]
- Day 03 - Throw [js]
- Day 04
- Day 04 - Classes [js]
- Day 04 - Count Objects [js]
- Day 04 - Create a Rectangle Object [js]
- Day 05
- Day 05 - Arrow Functions [js]
- Day 05 - Inheritance [js]
- Day 05 - Template Literals [js]
- Day 06
- Day 06 - Bitwise Operators [js]
- Day 06 - JavaScript Dates [js]
- Day 07
- Day 07 - Regular Expressions I [js]
- Day 07 - Regular Expressions II [js]
- Day 07 - Regular Expressions III [js]
- Day 08
- Day 08 - Button [js, css, html]
- Day 08 - ButtonContainer [js, css, html]
- Warmup
- A very big Sum [C#]
- Compare the Triplets [C#]
- Diagonal Difference [C#]
- Plus Minus [C#]
- Simple Array Sum [C#]
- Solve me first [C#]
- Staircase [C#]
- Mini Max Sum [C#]
- Birthday Cake Candles [C#, Java]
- Time Conversion [C#]
- Introduction
- C Tutorial Basic Data Types [C++]
- C Tutorial Conditional if else [C++]
- C Tutorial for lookp [C++]
- Input and Output [C++]
- Say Hello, World! With c++ [C++]
- Functions [C++]
- Pointer [C++]
- Array Introduction [C++]
- Variable Sized Arrays[C++]
- Relation Algebra
- Beasics of Sets and Relations #1 [txt]
- Beasics of Sets and Relations #2 [txt]
- Beasics of Sets and Relations #3 [txt]
- Beasics of Sets and Relations #4 [txt]
- Beasics of Sets and Relations #5 [txt]
- Beasics of Sets and Relations #6 [txt]
- Beasics of Sets and Relations #7 [txt]
- Database Query Languages [txt]
- Procedual Language [txt]
- Relational Algebra - 3 [txt]
- Relational Algebra - 4 [txt]
- Relations - 1 [txt]
- Relations - 2 [txt]
- Bash
- A Personalized Echo [sh]
- Arithmetic Operations [sh]
- Comparing Numbers [sh]
- Compute the average [sh]
- Getting started with conditionals [sh]
- Let's Echo [sh]
- Looping and Skipping [sh]
- Looping with Numbers [sh]
- More on Conditionals [sh]
- The World of Numbers [sh]
- Text Processing
- 'Tr' Command #1 [sh]
- 'Tr' Command #2 [sh]
- 'Tr' Command #3 [sh]
- Cut #1 [sh]
- Cut #2 [sh]
- Cut #3 [sh]
- Cut #4 [sh]
- Cut #5 [sh]
- Cut #6 [sh]
- Cut #7 [sh]
- Cut #8 [sh]
- Cut #9 [sh]
- Head of a Text File #1 [sh]
- Head of a Text File #2 [sh]
- Middle of a Text File [sh]
- Paste-1 [sh]
- Paste-2 [sh]
- Paste-3 [sh]
- Paste-4 [sh]
- Sort Command #1 [sh]
- Sort Command #2 [sh]
- Sort Command #3 [sh]
- Sort Command #4 [sh]
- Sort Command #5 [sh]
- Sort Command #6 [sh]
- Sort Command #7 [sh]
- Tail of a Text Tile #1 [sh]
- Tail of a Text Tile #2 [sh]
- Uniq Command #1 [sh]
- Uniq Command #2 [sh]
- Uniq Command #3 [sh]
- Uniq Command #4 [sh]
- Introduction
- Say Hello, World with Python [py]
- Python If-Else [py]
- Arithmetic Operators [py]
- Division [py]
- Loops [py]
- Write a function [py]
- Applications
- Saying Hi [Java]
- Assertions
- Negative Lookahead [py]
- Negative Lookbehind [py]
- Positive Lookahead [py]
- Positive Lookbehind [py]
- Backreferences
- Backreferences To Failed Groups [py]
- Branch Rest Groups [php]
- Forward References [java]
- Matching Same Text Again & Again [py]
- Character Class
- Excluding Specific Characters [java]
- Matching Character Ranges [java]
- Matching Specific Characters [py]
- Grouping and Capturing
- Alternative Matching [py]
- Capturing & Non-Capturing Groups [py]
- Matching Word Boundaries [py]
- Introduction
- Matching Anything But a Newline [py]
- Matching Digits & Non-Digit Characters [py]
- Matching Specific String [py]
- Matching Start & End [py]
- Matching Whitespace & Non-Whitespace Character [py]
- Matching Word & Non-Word Character [py]
- Repetitions
- Matching {x, y} Repetitions [py]
- Matching {x} Repetitions [py]
- Matching Ending Items [py]
- Matching One Or More Repetitions [py]
- Matching Zero Or More Repetitions [py]
- Advanced Select
- Binary Tree Nodes [MySQL]
- Occupations [MySQL]
- The Company [MySQL]
- The Pads [MySQL]
- Type of Triangle [MySQL]
- Aggregations
- Average Population [MySQL]
- Japan Population [MySQL]
- Population Density Difference [MySQL]
- Revising Aggregations - Averages [MySQL]
- Revising Aggregations - The Count Function [MySQL]
- Revising Aggregations - The Sum Function [MySQL]
- The Blunder [MySQL]
- Top Earners [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 2 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 10 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 13 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 14 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 15 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 16 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 17 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 18 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 19 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 20 [MySQL]
- Basic Join
- African Citirs [MySQL]
- Asian Population [MySQL]
- Average Population of Each Continent [MySQL]
- Challenges [MySQL]
- Contest Leaderboard [MySQL]
- Ollivander's Inventory [MySQL]
- The Report [MySQL]
- Top Cometitors [MySQL]
- Basic Select
- Employee Names [MySQL]
- Employee Salaries [MySQL]
- Higher Than 75 Marks [MySQL]
- Japanese Cities' Attributes [MySQL]
- Japanese Cities' Names [MySQL]
- Revising the Select Query I [MySQL]
- Revising the Select Query II [MySQL]
- Select All [MySQL]
- Select By ID [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 1 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 3 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 4 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 5 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 6 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 7 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 8 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 9 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 10 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 11 [MySQL]
- Weather Observation Station 12 [MySQL]
- Week of Code
- Week 34
- Day 1 One in a tram [C#]
- Day 2 Maximum Gcd and Sum [C#]
- Week 34