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MDL-58514 mod_assign: Apply consistent logic for overrides
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Previously the assign submission page was using "lenient" logic
for overrides when more than one group override applied to a user
(i.e., use the earliest "open" date and the latest "due" date)
when really it should be using the sortorder as per the assign
grading table.
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cameorn1730 committed May 3, 2017
1 parent 932bc91 commit 26aedd4
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Showing 2 changed files with 141 additions and 55 deletions.
83 changes: 28 additions & 55 deletions mod/assign/locallib.php
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Expand Up @@ -885,74 +885,47 @@ public function has_overrides() {
* Returns user override
* Algorithm: For each assign setting, if there is a matching user-specific override,
* then use that otherwise, if there are group-specific overrides, return the most
* lenient combination of them. If neither applies, leave the assign setting unchanged.
* then use that otherwise, if there are group-specific overrides, use the one with the
* lowest sort order. If neither applies, leave the assign setting unchanged.
* @param int $userid The userid.
* @return override if exist
* @return stdClass The override
public function override_exists($userid) {
global $DB;

// Check for user override.
$override = $DB->get_record('assign_overrides', array('assignid' => $this->get_instance()->id, 'userid' => $userid));
// Gets an assoc array containing the keys for defined user overrides only.
$getuseroverride = function($userid) use ($DB) {
$useroverride = $DB->get_record('assign_overrides', ['assignid' => $this->get_instance()->id, 'userid' => $userid]);
return $useroverride ? get_object_vars($useroverride) : [];

if (!$override) {
$override = new stdClass();
$override->duedate = null;
$override->cutoffdate = null;
$override->allowsubmissionsfromdate = null;
// Gets an assoc array containing the keys for defined group overrides only.
$getgroupoverride = function($userid) use ($DB) {
$groupings = groups_get_user_groups($this->get_instance()->course, $userid);

// Check for group overrides.
$groupings = groups_get_user_groups($this->get_instance()->course, $userid);
if (empty($groupings[0])) {
return [];

if (!empty($groupings[0])) {
// Select all overrides that apply to the User's groups.
list($extra, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_values($groupings[0]));
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {assign_overrides}
WHERE groupid $extra AND assignid = ?";
WHERE groupid $extra AND assignid = ? ORDER BY sortorder ASC";
$params[] = $this->get_instance()->id;
$records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);

// Combine the overrides.
$duedates = array();
$cutoffdates = array();
$allowsubmissionsfromdates = array();

foreach ($records as $gpoverride) {
if (isset($gpoverride->duedate)) {
$duedates[] = $gpoverride->duedate;
if (isset($gpoverride->cutoffdate)) {
$cutoffdates[] = $gpoverride->cutoffdate;
if (isset($gpoverride->allowsubmissionsfromdate)) {
$allowsubmissionsfromdates[] = $gpoverride->allowsubmissionsfromdate;
// If there is a user override for a setting, ignore the group override.
if (is_null($override->allowsubmissionsfromdate) && count($allowsubmissionsfromdates)) {
$override->allowsubmissionsfromdate = min($allowsubmissionsfromdates);
if (is_null($override->cutoffdate) && count($cutoffdates)) {
if (in_array(0, $cutoffdates)) {
$override->cutoffdate = 0;
} else {
$override->cutoffdate = max($cutoffdates);
if (is_null($override->duedate) && count($duedates)) {
if (in_array(0, $duedates)) {
$override->duedate = 0;
} else {
$override->duedate = max($duedates);


return $override;
$groupoverride = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, IGNORE_MULTIPLE);

return $groupoverride ? get_object_vars($groupoverride) : [];

// Later arguments clobber earlier ones with array_merge. The two helper functions
// return arrays containing keys for only the defined overrides. So we get the
// desired behaviour as per the algorithm.
return (object)array_merge(
['duedate' => null, 'cutoffdate' => null, 'allowsubmissionsfromdate' => null],

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113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions mod/assign/tests/locallib_test.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2680,6 +2680,119 @@ public function test_get_plugins_file_areas() {
$this->assertEquals(2, $usingfilearea);

* Test override exists
* This function needs to obey the group override logic as per the assign grading table and
* the overview block.
public function test_override_exists() {
global $DB;


$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();

// Create an assign instance.
$assign = $this->create_instance(['course' => $course]);
$assigninstance = $assign->get_instance();

// Create users.
$users = [
'Only in group A' => $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(),
'Only in group B' => $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(),
'In group A and B (no user override)' => $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(),
'In group A and B (user override)' => $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(),
'In no groups' => $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user()

// Enrol users.
foreach ($users as $user) {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);

// Create groups.
$groupa = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group(['courseid' => $course->id]);
$groupb = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group(['courseid' => $course->id]);

// Add members to groups.
// Group A.
['groupid' => $groupa->id, 'userid' => $users['Only in group A']->id]);
['groupid' => $groupa->id, 'userid' => $users['In group A and B (no user override)']->id]);
['groupid' => $groupa->id, 'userid' => $users['In group A and B (user override)']->id]);

// Group B.
['groupid' => $groupb->id, 'userid' => $users['Only in group B']->id]);
['groupid' => $groupb->id, 'userid' => $users['In group A and B (no user override)']->id]);
['groupid' => $groupb->id, 'userid' => $users['In group A and B (user override)']->id]);

// Overrides for each of the groups, and a user override.
$overrides = [
// Override for group A, highest priority (numerically lowest sortorder).
'assignid' => $assigninstance->id,
'groupid' => $groupa->id,
'userid' => null,
'sortorder' => 1,
'allowsubmissionsfromdate' => 1,
'duedate' => 2,
'cutoffdate' => 3
// Override for group B, lower priority (numerically higher sortorder).
'assignid' => $assigninstance->id,
'groupid' => $groupb->id,
'userid' => null,
'sortorder' => 2,
'allowsubmissionsfromdate' => 5,
'duedate' => 6,
'cutoffdate' => 6
// User override.
'assignid' => $assigninstance->id,
'groupid' => null,
'userid' => $users['In group A and B (user override)']->id,
'sortorder' => null,
'allowsubmissionsfromdate' => 7,
'duedate' => 8,
'cutoffdate' => 9

// Kinda hacky, need to add the ID to the overrides in the above array
// for later.
foreach ($overrides as &$override) {
$override['id'] = $DB->insert_record('assign_overrides', $override);

$returnedoverrides = array_reduce(array_keys($users), function($carry, $description) use ($users, $assign) {
return $carry + ['For user ' . lcfirst($description) => $assign->override_exists($users[$description]->id)];
}, []);

// Test we get back the correct override from override_exists (== checks all object members match).
// User only in group A should see the group A override.
$this->assertTrue($returnedoverrides['For user only in group A'] == (object)$overrides[0]);
// User only in group B should see the group B override.
$this->assertTrue($returnedoverrides['For user only in group B'] == (object)$overrides[1]);
// User in group A and B, with no user override should see the group A override
// as it has higher priority (numerically lower sortorder).
$this->assertTrue($returnedoverrides['For user in group A and B (no user override)'] == (object)$overrides[0]);
// User in group A and B, with a user override should see the user override
// as it has higher priority (numerically lower sortorder).
$this->assertTrue($returnedoverrides['For user in group A and B (user override)'] == (object)$overrides[2]);
// User with no overrides should get nothing.
$this->assertNull($returnedoverrides['For user in no groups']->duedate);
$this->assertNull($returnedoverrides['For user in no groups']->cutoffdate);
$this->assertNull($returnedoverrides['For user in no groups']->allowsubmissionsfromdate);

* Test the quicksave grades processor
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