Home Assistant custom component that aids in both peak-level energy charge avoidance and spotprice-aware charging.
go-eCharger integration for Home Assistant using the MQTT API
🖥 A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron. I'm sorry.
🐘 PHP library to query Minecraft servers
Run a headless CrashPlan instance on a Synology device with Docker
Stripped down library for controlling WS2801 pixels via tiny non-SPI controllers.
esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
Absolutely transparent bridge for the ESP8266
OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices
Creating Firefox OS apps
Small web server for Arduino, fits in 10KB ROM, less than 512 bytes RAM
nilrog / NanodeUIP
Forked from maniacbug/NanodeUIPPort of uIP library to Nanode
Electricity monitoring library - install in Arduino IDE's libraries folder then restart the IDE
maniacbug / NanodeUIP
Forked from sde1000/NanodeUIPPort of uIP library to Nanode
Archived. See for latest version of emoncms.
EtherCard is an IPv4 driver for the ENC28J60 chip, compatible with Arduino IDE
Cross platform UI controls for progressive web and hybrid apps (plain JS, jQuery, Angular and React)
Want to create “Uploader” plugins for Courier? Download the prebuilt SDK below