- Chicago
- www.ninapalumbo.com
- https://cheq.ai/
🚀 Extensible Angular 14+ enterprise-grade project generator
🍱 🔥 Angular + Firebase Progressive Web App Starter
A chat application implemented using Socket.io, TypeScript, Angular and Angular Material components
Angular 8 and Express 👪 ( Heroku ready )
This is a basic template project to start with Angular 17.x and ThreeJS
An implementation of react-dnd for Angular.
RPG game built with Typescript, Angular, Immutable.js, ngrx/store, and rxjs
Phaser 3 Open Source Dungeon Crawler Experiment
Angular module to write beautiful math expressions in TeX syntax boosted by KaTeX library
Example Node.js API using TypeScript, Express, and Vue
Implementing authentication in Angular using Firebase - Google, Twitter, Facebook and Normal Signup/sign in.
Angular 7, Firebase firestore & Bootstrap 4
Micro-frontend application using React, Vue and Nx
A starter for Node JS, Express, Typescript, Mongoose application
Yet Another Zombie Horror 🎮
Simple animations for angular 9
Angular 6, Phaser 3, Dungeon scroller starter kit written in Typescript and packaged with a VM for easy setup.
Phaser 3 working around Angular 7. Step by step method to integrate phaser with Angular 7.
Todo-App with roadtrip, Svelte and TypeScript
Chrome extension boilerplate for angular 5
A bootstrap project with Phaser 3 and Angular 8
Created with CodeSandbox
Angular Structural Directives example
Base project for Typescript based JQuery + Express/EJS