- Chicago
- www.ninapalumbo.com
- https://cheq.ai/
Vue + Express.js = VueXpress / A server side rendering engine for Express.js. Use .vue files as your express.js templates.
Magic: The Gathering SDK - Javascript
Programmatically remove backgrounds from your images using the remove.bg api
Change proxies while running and remote-controll chrome extension APIs
30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your HTML. No node.js environment, no build step.
Vue 3 Webpack Boilerplate (Vue 3, Vue Router 4, Vuex 4, Typescript)
Proof of concept of Webpack 5 Module Federation with Quasar and Vue-Cli
Very basic micro frontend monorepo created to show the basics of run time integration
Micro-frontend application using React, Vue and Nx
Created with CodeSandbox
A Wolfenstein 3D style JavaScript Raycaster using the browser's HTML5 Canvas for rendering.
An enhanced Wolf3D-style JavaScript raycaster.
Small raycaster graphics engine in javascript
ES6 version of the raycaster framework
Scene manager for p5.js games and applications
Using the <canvas> element to do software rendering of a 3D environment with ray-casting
An example of a fake-3d style game engine like Wolfenstein or Doom
Yet Another Zombie Horror 🎮
Wolfenstein 3D raycasting engine made in JS and P5.js
🤳 Instagram Private Web API client for Node
Node API for Apple's iCloud services