GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang
ksh93 / ksh
Forked from att/astksh 93u+m: KornShell lives! | Latest release:
Windows symbol tables for Volatility 3
SharpElevator is a C# implementation of Elevator for UAC bypass. This UAC bypass was originally discovered by James Forshaw and published in his brilliant post at: https://googleprojectzero.blogspo…
CIA UAC bypass implementation that utilizes elevated COM object to write to System32 and an auto-elevated process to execute as administrator.
UAC bypass for x64 Windows 7 - 11
Exploits undocumented elevated COM interface ICMLuaUtil via process spoofing to edit registry then calls ColorDataProxy to trigger UAC bypass. Win 7 & up.
WeChatOpenDevTool 微信小程序强制开启开发者工具
APIKit:Discovery, Scan and Audit APIs Toolkit All In One.
Collection of UAC Bypass Techniques Weaponized as BOFs
This project aims to compare and evaluate the telemetry of various EDR products.
The realtime kanban board for workgroups built with React and Redux.